The Straits Settlements of Singapore, Penang and Malacca Great War Memorial is now known as the Singapore cenotaph, a Singapore National Monument. Of the 124 names listed on the Singapore Cenotaph, 106 are included in this community. Of the remainder: 107. Lowe, LV is Leonard Victor Lowe, died en route to enlist when ship was torpedoed. -/- Names not found or confirmed: 108. Collins, H/ 109. Cooper, C/ 110. Critien, C/ 111. Currie, A /112. Dixon, JH/ 113. Hancock, R/ 114. Laing, CE/ 115. Martin, W/ 116. McFarlane, W/ 117. Ross, AR/ == French Reservists from the Straits Settlements did not serve with Empire Forces and therefore are not included in Lives of the First World War: 118. De Bondy, H = de Taillepied de Bondy, Raymond Jean Harald Marie Raphael Joseph Guillaume/ 119. Father Laurent, Alcide/ 120. Father Ménard, Alexis Emile Victor/ 121. Munié, Charles/ 122. Father Nain, Charles/ 123 Pusinelli, André/ 124. Vauillaumie, J = Vuillaumié, Julien Joseph/
Created by: , Rosemary251
Born 1880
Died 1918
British Army Major Royal Garrison Artillery
British Army Major Royal Garrison Artillery 276 Siege Battery
Born 1874
Died 1917
British Army Captain Northamptonshire Regiment
British Army Acting Major Northamptonshire Regiment
British Army Major Northamptonshire Regiment
Born 1891
Died 1915
British Army Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
British Army Captain East Kent Regiment 8th Battalion
Born 1886
Died 1915
British Army 63301 Sapper Royal Engineers
British Army 63301 Lance Corporal Royal Engineers 91st Field Company
Died 1915
British Army 3/8801 Private Dorsetshire Regiment
British Army 3/8801 Private Dorsetshire Regiment 1st Battalion
Born 1878
Died 1918
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Garrison Artillery
Born 1900
Died 1918
British Army S/25352 Private Royal Highlanders
British Army Second Lieutenant 3rd Royal Highlanders
British Army Second Lieutenant Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Battalion
Born 1891
Died 1918
Air Force (RAF/RFC) 69450
Air Force (RAF/RFC) Second Lieutenant Royal Air Force
Born 1878
Died 1915
British Army Captain Gloucestershire Regiment
British Army Captain Glouscesters 10 Bn
Born 1888
Died 1915
British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1st Battalion
Born 1888
Died 1918
British Army Second Lieutenant Army Service Corps
British Army M2/022026 Corporal Army Service Corps
British Army M2/022026 Private Army Service Corps
Born 1885
Died 1917
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots
Born 1875
Died 1915
British Army Second Lieutenant Lincolnshire Regiment 4th Battalion
British Army Second Lieutenant Lincolnshire Regiment
Born 1888
Died 1916
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers 7th Bn. attd 12th Bn.
Born 1892
Died 1918
British Army 4431 Private London Regiment
British Army 531867 Private London Regiment
British Army 531867 Private London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles)
Born 1891
Died 1915
British Army Lieutenant Royal West Kent Regiment 3rd Bn. attd. 1st Bn.
Born 1885
Died 1919
British Army 2nd Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry 13
British Army Lieutenant Nigeria Regiment
Born 1880
Died 1916
British Army 17926 Private Royal Dublin Fusiliers
British Army Second Lieutenant Leinster Regiment
Born 1892
Died 1918
Other Empire Force 6313 Able Seaman Royal Australian Navy
Other Empire Force 6313 Able Seaman Royal Australian Navy - S.S. "Glenartney."
Born 1880
Died 1918
British Army 44320 Private Manchester Regiment