Brentwood School: Old Brentwoods who served and returned

Brentwood School: Old Brentwoods who served and returned

Over 200 Old Brentwoods served in the First World War. This community draws together the lives of those who served and returned.

Created by: , Stacey27046

CSV Export
  • Born 1894

    British Army 022330 Private Army Ordnance Corps

  • Born 1896

    Royal Navy 17357 Royal Marine Light Infantry: Portsmouth Division

  • Born 1880

    British Army Captain Essex Regiment

    British Army Major Staff

    British Army Captain Essex Regt 8th (Reserve) Cyclist Battalion

  • Born 1896

    British Army 7434 Air Mechanic 2nd Class Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Alan Holmes Causton

    Born 1893

    British Army 350967 Serjeant London Regiment

  • Born 1895

    British Army 3664 Private City of London Yeomanry

    British Army 260418 Private Corps of Hussars

  • Born 1885

    British Army 59066 Private Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1897

    British Army S/16710 Private Rifle Brigade

    British Army A/203252 Private King's Royal Rifle Corps

  • Born 1895

    British Army M2/082470 Private Army Service Corps Motor Transport

    British Army M2/082470 Acting Serjeant Army Service Corps Motor Transport

  • Profile picture for Hilary Eustace Tee

    Born 1894

    British Army Second Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers

    British Army Second Lieutenant West Yorkshire Regiment

  • Born 1891

    British Army 26609 Private Essex Regiment

    British Army 536335 Private Labour Corps

  • Born 1900

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 183920

  • Born 1854

    British Army Commander Royal Scots Fusiliers 2nd Battalion

    British Army Colonel Infantry Base Depot

  • Born 1893

    British Army 6133 Private London Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Essex Regiment

  • Born 1891

    Australian Imperial Force 511

  • Profile picture for Geoffrey Brockman Neale

    Born 1893

    Died 1980

    British Army 1112 Private London Regiment

    British Army Captain General List Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Philip Harper

    Born 1880

    British Army 228948 Acting Serjeant Royal Fusiliers Bailleul

    British Army G/99157 Acting Serjeant Royal Fusiliers Att V Corps, Att 2nd Army HQ

    British Army 3063 A/Sergeant London Regiment 16th lond Battalion

  • Born 1898

    Died 1926

    Air Force (RAF/RFC)

  • Born 1898

    Royal Navy M27140

  • Profile picture for Edgar Valentine Potts

    Born 1894

    British Army 3065 Private London Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Railway Transport Establishment Royal Engineers

    British Army Captain Railway Transport Transport Royal Engineers

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