ANSTEY surname

ANSTEY surname

Linking together individuals with the surname Anstey who served in the First World War. There are a number of notable omissions in the database so far (e.g. Royal Marines, ANZAC soldiers, USA soldiers) so this will not be a complete list. There are also a number of duplicate records. I estimate that there are about 222 unique individuals currently in the database although the search number is much higher. Hopefully this will become clearer as these records are merged. Please note: although I share their surname, I am not related to all of these people!

Created by: , Hannah21187

CSV Export
  • Born 1900

    Died 1987

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 164882 Private 2nd Class

  • Born 1892

    British Army 3182 Acting Serjeant Royal Newfoundland Regiment

    British Army 3182 Serjeant Royal Newfoundland Regiment 1st Battalion

    British Army 3182 Acting Colour Sergeant Royal Newfoundland Regiment

  • Born 1893

    Died 1978

    British Army 343 Gunner Royal Horse Artillery 1/1st Warwickshire Royal Horse Artillery

    British Army 614026 Gunner Royal Horse Artillery

  • Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army 3187 Private Gloucestershire Yeomanry

    British Army 235732 Private Corps of Hussars

    British Army 235732 Private Royal Gloucestershire Hussars

  • Australian Imperial Force 1360

  • Born 1894

    Australian Imperial Force 2073

    Australian Imperial Force 2070 Private

  • Royal Navy G3257

  • Born 1889

    Died 1952

    British Army M2/180776 Private Army Service Corps

  • Born 1893

    British Army Driver Royal Engineers

    British Army Pioneer Royal Engineers 17th Signal Company

    British Army 52121 Sapper Royal Engineers NEF 17th Divisional Signal Company

  • Profile picture for George Alexander Anstey

    Born 1888

    Died 1915

    British Army Lieutenant Devonshire Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Devonshire Regiment

    British Army Captain Devonshire Regiment 1st Battalion (attached 2nd Batt. Cheshire Regiment).

  • British Army 6506 Private Lancers 5th (Royal Irish)

  • Born 1896

    British Army 49386 Sapper Royal Engineers 89th Field Company

  • British Army 235103 Private Corps of Hussars

    British Army 2006 Private Gloucestershire Hussars

    British Army 2006 Corporal Gloucestershire Hussars

  • Born 1892

    Died 1950

    British Army 2220 Private Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1894

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 285083 Aircraftman 2nd Class Royal Air Force

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 285083 Air Mechanic 3rd Class Royal Air Force

  • Born 1896

    Died 1930

    British Army 295582 Boy Somerset Light Infantry 12th

    British Army 208540 Private Somerset Light Infantry 4th Battalion

    British Army 1532 Private Somerset Light Infantry 4th

  • Born 1887

    Canadian Expeditionary Force Private Canadian Army Medical Corps 3rd Field Ambulance

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 33270 Private Canadian Contingent 1st Battalion

  • British Army 181639 Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery

    British Army 265566 Gunner Royal Field Artillery

  • Born 1901

    Died 1982

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 199762

  • Born 1897

    Died 1933

    British Army 33557 Private Middlesex Regiment

    British Army 616139 Private Labour Corps

    British Army 2GH/89 Royal Army Medical Corps 3rd

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