French Red Cross

French Red Cross

Women who volunteered to serve with the British Committee of the French Red Cross

Created by: , Peter5151

CSV Export
  • Born 1881

    Died 1954

    Other Empire Force Driver French Red Cross

  • Profile picture for Gwendoline S Davies Ch

    Born 1882

    Died 1951

    Air Force (RAF/RFC)

    British Army Canteen Worker French Red Cross

  • Profile picture for Lucy Edith Gullett

    Born 1876

    Died 1949

    British Army Driver French Red Cross

  • Profile picture for Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd Bennett

    Born 1872

    Died 1960

    British Army Doctor French Red Cross

    British Army Doctor New Zealand Medical Corps Cairo

    Other Empire Force Doctor Scottish Women's Hospital

  • Other Empire Force Sister French Red Cross

    Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Women's Hospitals [ French Red Cross ] Royaumont, France

  • Other Empire Force Chauffeur (Driver) Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] London Unit ( Russia/Roumania)

  • Profile picture for Elizabeth Atkinson

    Born 1883

    Other Empire Force Nurse French Red Cross

    Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Womens Hospitals

  • Profile picture for Anne Louise Mcilroy

    Born 1874

    Died 1968

    British Army Surgeon French Red Cross

    Other Empire Force Chief Medical Officer Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] Girton & Newnham Unit (Troyes, France & Salonica)

  • Profile picture for Annie J Allan

    Born 1888

    British Army Nurse French Red Cross

    Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Womens Hospitals Salonika

  • Profile picture for Margaret Eleanor Spottiswoode

    British Army Nurse French Red Cross

    British Army Nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment British Red Cross Society

  • Profile picture for Norah Neilson-Gray

    Born 1882

    Died 1931

    Other Empire Force Orderly Scottish Women's Hospitals (French Red Cross) Royaumont Abbey outside Paris, France

  • Profile picture for Lilian Violet Cooper

    Born 1861

    Died 1947

    Other Empire Force Doctor French Red Cross

    Other Empire Force Doctor Scottish Women's Hospitals (French Red Cross). Macedonia

    Other Empire Force Doctor Scottish Women's Hospitals (French Red Cross). America Unit

  • Profile picture for Katherine Mary Harley

    Born 1855

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Commandant French Red Cross, Scottish Women's Hospital America Unit

  • Profile picture for Jerome Klapka Jerome

    Born 1859

    Died 1927

    Other Empire Force Driver French Red Cross

  • Born 1887

    Other Empire Force Nursing Sister Scottish Women's Hospitals (French Red Cross) Valjevo

    Other Empire Force Nursing Sister Scottish Women's Hospitals (French Red Cross) Girton Newnham

  • Profile picture for Marian Theresa Bullock

    Born 1877

    Died 1956

    British Army Doctor French Red Cross

  • Profile picture for Robert Laurence Binyon

    Born 1869

    Died 1943

    British Army Young Men's Christian Association

    British Army Orderly French Red Cross

  • British Army Surgeon Serbian Relief Fund

    British Army Surgeon French Red Cross Society

  • British Army 26402 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps

  • Profile picture for Right Honorable Baroness Abinger

    Born 1897

    Died 1988

    British Army French Red Cross

    British Army Nurse French Red Cross

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