Linked to Manchester
Created by: , Ann39898
Born 1888
Died 1916
British Army Second Lieutenant South Lancashire Regiment
Born 1896
British Army 106100 Corporal Royal Engineers
British Army Second Lieutenant Liverpool Regiment
Born 1892
Died 1915
Royal Navy K9494 Stoker 1st Class HMS Tiger
Born 1885
Died 1917
British Army 269500 Private Liverpool Regiment 7th Battalion
Born 1886
Died 1970
British Army Chaplain to the Forces 4th Class Jewish Chaplain
British Army Chaplain to the Forces Army Chaplain's Department
Born 1890
Died 1918
Royal Navy
Royal Navy SS2844 Able Seaman HM Submarine K17
Born 1873
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment
Born 1897
Died 1916
Royal Navy J38665 Able Seaman HMS Indefatigable
Born 1889
Royal Navy 14170 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry: Plymouth Division: HMS TIGER
Born 1893
Died 1918
British Army 723 Acting Corporal Cheshire Yeomanry
British Army 230590 Serjeant Shropshire Light Infantry
British Army 230590 Serjeant Reserve Regiment of Cavalry
Born 1895
Royal Navy SS115851 Stoker 1st Class HMS TIGER
Born 1888
Died 1915
Royal Navy SS104596 Stoker 2nd Class
Royal Navy SS104596 Stoker 1st Class
Royal Navy SS104596 Stoker 1st Class HMS Magnificent
Born 1888
Died 1916
Royal Navy K9895 Leading Stoker HMS INDEFATIGABLE