Geni WW1

Geni WW1

Life stories of those added to the Geni WW1 project The purpose of the exercise is to link existing Genii profiles of WW1 personnel (survivors and casualties) to the relevant projects for men and women born in the Channel Islands, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We are also adding as many new profiles and small trees of WW1 service men and women to Geni as we can. The people whose profiles are linked to these projects will be here for posterity, for people to find, connect to, build their trees and honour. They will not be just a list of names, but genealogies which people can find and expand.

Created by: , June62643

CSV Export
  • Born 1878

    Died 1918

    British Army 2051 Warrant Officer Class 2 1st Life Guards

    British Army 3372 Warrant Officer Class 2 Guards Machine Gun Regiment

    British Army 3372 Squadron Corporal Major Guards Machine Gun Regiment

  • British Army Major Royal Engineers

    British Army Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineers

  • British Army Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Lieutenant Colonel Highland Light Infantry

  • Born 1884

    Died 1917

    New Zealand Expeditionary Force 2/2350 Driver New Zealand Field Artillery

  • Born 1879

    Royal Navy Group Captain

    Royal Navy Commander

  • British Army Captain 1st Lanark Volunteer Rifle Corps

    British Army Honorary Major Scottish Rifles 5th Battalion

    British Army Captain Scottish Rifles 5th Battalion

  • Born 1892

    Died 1918

    British Army 22453 Private Hampshire Regiment

  • British Army SR 2519 Serjeant Royal Garrison Artillery 22nd Company

  • Born 1892

    Died 1917

    British Army Captain Royal Field Artillery

    British Army Major Royal Field Artillery Territorial Force

    British Army Major Royal Field Artillery

  • British Army Lieutenant Royal Horse Guards

  • Profile picture for Thomas A Moore

    Died 1918

    British Army 2641 Gunner Royal Field Artillery

    British Army 830719 Gunner Royal Field Artillery

  • Profile picture for Albert Henry Pitts

    Died 1915

    British Army 8747 Private Royal Warwickshire Regiment 2nd Battalion

  • Born 1888

    Died 1915

    British Army Second Lieutenant 1/5th Gurkha Rifles

    British Army Second Lieutenant Indian Army

    Indian Army Lieutenant 1st/5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force)

  • Died 1915

    British Army 2169 Private Lincolnshire Regiment

  • Born 1891

    Died 1948

    British Army Lieutenant Grenadier Guards

    British Army Captain Grenadier Guards

    British Army Acting Major Grenadier Guards

  • Died 1915

    British Army 2370 Private Highland Light Infantry

  • British Army 10252 Private East Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army 10252 Acting Corporal East Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army 4334391 Private East Yorkshire Regiment

  • Born 1885

    Died 1918

    British Army British Red Cross Society and Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

    British Army Driver French Red Cross

  • British Army 2050 Corporal of Horse Life Guards

    British Army 2050 Serjeant Major Life Guards

  • British Army 10362 Private Royal Sussex Regiment 2nd Battalion

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