HMHS Asturias (torpedoed 20 March 1917)

HMHS Asturias (torpedoed 20 March 1917)

Remembering and commemorating those lost on the hospital ship Asturias when the ship was torpedoed by UC-66 near Bolt Head (Devon) on 20 March 1917.

Created by: , Maritime35342

CSV Export
  • British Army Staff Nurse London Regiment home unit 3rd lond Battalion

    British Army Staff Nurse His Majesty's Hospital Ship Asturias

  • Profile picture for Henry James Folley

    Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army 6863 Private Royal Army Medical Corps H.M.H.S. "Asturias"

  • Profile picture for Charles Robert Prioux Manger

    Born 1888

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine, H.M.H.S. "Asturias" (Belfast)

  • Born 1901

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Merchant Navy, HMHS Asturias

  • British Army Nursing Sister Civil Hospital Reserve Hospital Ship Asturias

    British Army Acting Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve

  • Born 1898

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Steward Mercantile Marine

    Other Empire Force Steward Merchant Navy, HMHS Asturias

  • Profile picture for Albert Isaac Kneller

    Born 1887

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Mate of Hold Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)

    Other Empire Force Mate of Hold Mercantile Marine - HMHS "Asturias" (Belfast)

  • British Army Sister His Majesty's Hospital Ship Asturias

    British Army Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve

  • Profile picture for Arthur Edward Brown

    Born 1899

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Merchant Marine. HMHS Asturias

  • Profile picture for James William Earl

    Born 1891

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias

  • British Army Staff Nurse HM Hospital Ship Asturias

    British Army Staff Nurse Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve

  • Profile picture for Stanley Henry Cross

    Born 1892

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Greaser Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias

  • British Army Staff Nurse/Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Hospital Ship Asturias

  • Profile picture for George Bevis Harvey

    Born 1858

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Engineer Merchant Navy, HMS Asturias

  • Profile picture for Henry Charles Flux

    Born 1887

    Died 1917

    Royal Navy Fireman Mercantile Marine - HMHS Asturias

  • Profile picture for John Aitken Anderson

    Born 1891

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force 6th Engineer Merchant Marine HMHS "Asturias"

  • Profile picture for John Albert White

    Born 1898

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Third Assistant Cook Merchant Navy. HMHS Asturias

  • Profile picture for Bridget Trenerry

    Born 1852

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Stewardess Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)

    Other Empire Force Stewardess Mercantile Marine - H.M.H.S. "Asturias" (Belfast)

  • Born 1897

    Died 1917

    British Army 31780 Private Royal Army Medical Corps HMHS Asturias

  • Profile picture for James John Tillyer

    Born 1893

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Able Seaman Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)

    Other Empire Force Able Seaman Mercantile Marine, H.M.H.S. "Asturias" (Belfast)

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