Buried in Hailsham

Buried in Hailsham

Remembering the lives of people buried in Hailsham in Sussex. This community includes burials in Hailsham Cemetery. It includes post-WW1 burials of those who served, as well as WW1 burials.

Created by: , Yvonne27542

CSV Export
  • Profile picture for Richard Page

    Born 1900

    Died 1918

    Royal Navy SS119328 Stoker 1st Class

  • Profile picture for Charles Henry Divall

    Born 1893

    Died 1919

    British Army G/7942 Private Royal Sussex Regiment 3rd Battalion

    British Army 23867 Private Bedfordshire Regiment 1st Garrison Battalion

  • Profile picture for Harry Harding

    Born 1885

    Died 1915

    British Army 92343 Pioneer Royal Engineers "A" Depot Company

  • Profile picture for Gilbert Moy Burgess

    Born 1899

    Died 1920

    Royal Navy J/40911 Able Seaman H.M.S. ʺCleopatra"

    Royal Navy J40911 Boy 1st Class HMS Calliope

  • Profile picture for Frank Charles Smith

    Born 1891

    Died 1915

    British Army T/649 Driver Army Service Corps Home Counties Division

  • Profile picture for George Francis Penwell

    Born 1897

    Died 1917

    British Army G/27841 Private Middlesex Regiment 13th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Joseph Richard Levett

    Born 1894

    Died 1920

    British Army 202042 Lance Corporal Royal Sussex Regiment

    British Army 1547 Lance Corporal Royal Sussex Regiment

    British Army 202042 Corporal Royal Sussex Regiment 5th Battalion

  • Profile picture for William Edward Charles

    Born 1880

    Died 1914

    British Army 651 Gunner Royal Field Artillery 2nd Home Counties Brigade (TF)

  • Profile picture for Alfred Stanley Cousens

    Born 1895

    Died 1918

    British Army 611 Driver Royal Field Artillery 1/5th Sussex Battery

  • Profile picture for Albert E Putland

    Born 1890

    Died 1916

    British Army G/1930 Corporal Royal Sussex Regiment 8th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Richard Charles Butler

    Born 1880

    Died 1918

    British Army 154397 Sapper Royal Engineers

    British Army 154397 Sapper Royal Engineers 1st Reserve Brigade

  • Profile picture for Gilbert Colarossi

    Born 1895

    Died 1918

    British Army SD/581 Private Royal Sussex Regiment 3rd Battalion

    British Army SD/581 Private Royal Sussex Regiment 11th Bn.

  • Profile picture for Charles Hollibone

    Born 1899

    Died 1920

    British Army TR/9/6023 Private Army Reserve Infantry Battalion

    British Army 43800 Private Lincolnshire Regiment 1st Battalion

    British Army 93337 Private Royal Defence Corps

  • Profile picture for Harry Huggett

    Born 1881

    Died 1918

    British Army 17699 Private Royal Sussex Regiment

    British Army 3216 Private Sussex Yeomanry

    British Army 73337 Private Royal Defence Corps

  • Profile picture for Charles Jesse Colbran

    Born 1887

    Died 1919

    British Army 58216 Private West Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army 217401 Sapper Royal Engineers 504th Field Coy.

    British Army 217401 Sapper Royal Engineers

  • Profile picture for Thomas Henry Smith

    Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army 153300 Private Labour Corps

    British Army 82980 Private Middlesex Regiment 39th Battalion

  • Profile picture for William Henry Belcher

    Born 1893

    Died 1918

    British Army 11307 Private South Wales Borderers 1st Battalion

    British Army 3/11307 Private South Wales Borderers 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

    British Army 55617 Private Liverpool Regiment 24th Works Battalion

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