This community is one of a series that remembers women and girls who were killed or died in service in WW1, or died as a result of their war work or from enemy action. Because of the large number of women being remembered, they have been split alphabetically into separate communities based on the first letter of the surname, to make the communities easier to search and browse. (In the case of married women, they will appear in the communities for both their maiden surname and their married surname.)
Created by: , Yvonne27542
Born 1882
Died 1916
British Army Staff Nurse Territorial Force Nursing Service
Born 1863
Died 1918
British Army Nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment
Born 1872
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Nurse Joint War Committee
Other Empire Force Nursing Sister British Red Cross Russia
Born 1894
Died 1919
Air Force (RAF/RFC) 12145 Clerk Women's Royal Air Force Central Pay Office Woking
Born 1849
Died 1916
Other Empire Force Volunteer Voluntary Aid Detachment
Born 1889
Died 1919
Air Force (RAF/RFC) 20691 Women's Royal Air Force
Born 1889
Died 1921
Other Empire Force Orderly Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] Girton & Newnham Unit (Troyes, France & Salonica)
Other Empire Force VAD nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment/ British Red Cross Cricket House V.A.D. Hospital, St. Albans , Hertfordshire
British Army Nursing Sister Voluntary Aid Detachment
Born 1888
Died 1916
Australian Imperial Force Nursing Sister Australian Army Nursing Service
Born 1889
Died 1917
British Army Staff Nurse Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve
Born 1899
Died 1918
Royal Navy G4229
Royal Navy G/4229. Steward Women's Royal Naval Sce
Royal Navy G/4229 Steward Women's Royal Naval Service London Division Wrns
Born 1873
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Munitions Worker Ajax Chemical Company
Born 1892
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment 5th Northern General Hospital
Born 1899
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Munitions Worker Ministry of Munitions
Born 1881
Died 1919
Other Empire Force Civilian Young Men's Christian Association Lena Ashwell's Concert Party
Other Empire Force Entertainer Lena Ashwell's entertainment company
Born 1895
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Assistant Cook/ Clerk British Red Cross V.A. Hospital, Torrington
Other Empire Force Assistant Cook/ Clerk British Red Cross Officer Hospital Bigadon, Buckfastleigh
Other Empire Force Assistant Cook/ Clerk V.A. Hospital, Exmouth
Born 1894
Died 1919
Canadian Expeditionary Force Nursing Sister Canadian Army Medical Corps
Born 1881
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Sister Voluntary Aid Detachment