Wives and Daughters - female deaths - surnames beginning with W

Wives and Daughters - female deaths - surnames beginning with W

This community is one of a series that remembers women and girls who were killed or died in service in WW1, or died as a result of their war work or from enemy action. Because of the large number of women being remembered, they have been split alphabetically into separate communities based on the first letter of the surname, to make the communities easier to search and browse. (In the case of married women, they will appear in the communities for both their maiden surname and their married surname.)

Created by: , Yvonne27542

CSV Export
  • Born 1888

    Died 1919

    British Army Staff Nurse Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve

  • Profile picture for May Wylie

    Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army 6306 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Attached 10th Reserve Battalion The King's (Liverpool Regiment)

  • Profile picture for Sara Walsh

    Died 1919

    Other Empire Force Nurse Voluntary Aid Detachment Kinmel Camp Military Hospital

  • Profile picture for Mary Elizabeth Wills

    Born 1885

    Died 1918

    British Army Staff Nurse Territorial Force Nursing Service

  • Born 1870

    Died 1919

    Other Empire Force Cook Voluntary Aid Detachment Military Hospital, Ripon

    Other Empire Force Assistant Cook Voluntary Aid Detachment 1st Southern General, Stourbridge

    Other Empire Force Head Cook Voluntary Aid Detachment 3rd Northern General Hospital, Sheffield

  • Died 1918

    British Army 33726 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Attached 9th Reserve Battalion London Regiment

  • Profile picture for Jemima Wilson

    Born 1893

    Died 1917

    British Army 3812 Women's Army Auxiliary Corps

    British Army 3812 Member Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Gateshead Hostel

  • Profile picture for Eliza Ward

    Born 1882

    Died 1918

    Other Empire Force Munitions Worker Ministry of Munitions

  • Profile picture for Augustine Or Augusta Mary Wilder

    Born 1862

    Died 1918

    Other Empire Force Volunteer Voluntary Aid Detachment No. 18

  • Profile picture for Florence L Woods

    Born 1912

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian war death

  • Profile picture for Mildred Emmeline Worledge

    Born 1888

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Voluntary Aid Detachment

  • Profile picture for Rose Wood

    Born 1892

    Died 1918

    Other Empire Force Munitions Worker Ministry of Munitions

  • Profile picture for Jennie Walker

    Other Empire Force Nursing Sister St John Ambulance Association South Shields Nursing Division

  • Born 1897

    Died 1918

    British Army 44930 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps

  • Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army 46868 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps

  • Profile picture for Hannah Elizabeth Wright

    Died 1918

    British Army Staff Nurse Civil Hospital Reserve General Hospital

    British Army Acting Sister Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve

    British Army Staff Nurse Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service

  • Born 1897

    Died 1918

    Royal Navy G/5160 Clerk Women's Royal Naval Service

  • Profile picture for Mary Wilton

    Born 1873

    Died 1915

    Other Empire Force Voluntary Aid Detachment

  • Died 1918

    British Army 13980 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Attached (Portsmouth) Royal Engineers

  • Profile picture for Mary Elizabeth Or May Wortley

    Born 1878

    Died 1916

    Other Empire Force Munitions Worker Ministry of Munitions

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