'The OTC and the Great War' by Captain Alan R Haig-Brown was published by Country Life in 1915. Appendix A lists details of all the OTC contingents at Universities and Public Schools. The details for Berkhamsted School OTC contingent were provided by Major J Parsons who had commanded it since its foundation as a Cadet Force in 1891. The list includes 29 former cadets who had been gazetted as officers before the war. 122 were gazetted from 4 Aug 1914 until March 1915 and 86 more were serving in the ranks. It is only the 122 who enlisted after the outbreak of war who are named in the subsequents section. The author points out that none of the list of names was entirely complete at the time of going to press. Appendix B is an alphabetical list of 16,000 of these names. By searching for "Berkhamsted" 112 names were found giving the regiment into which they were gazetted, and in some case including details of where they served in a university or the Inns of Court OTC. Appendix C is a list of the OTC contingents recording those men already dead by the date of going to press.
Created by: , Peter6648
Born 1892
British Army Second Lieutenant Bedfordshire Regiment
British Army Captain Bedfordshire Regiment
Born 1893
Died 1973
British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps
Born 1890
Died 1916
British Army Captain King's Royal Rifle Corps 9th Battalion
Born 1897
Died 1917
British Army Second Lieutenant Bedfordshire Regiment attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps 132nd Machine Gun Company
British Army Second Lieutenant Bedfordshire Regiment 3rd (Reserve) Battalion
Born 1895
Died 1985
British Army Second Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
British Army Captain Lancashire Fusiliers
Born 1896
Died 1923
Royal Navy Lieutenant Royal Marine Light Infantry: HMS CANADA
Born 1894
Died 1916
British Army Lieutenant South Lancashire Regiment
British Army Captain South Lancashire Regiment
Born 1894
Died 1968
British Army North Staffordshire Regiment
British Army Second Lieutenant Essex Regiment
British Army Lieutenant Essex Regiment
Born 1896
Died 1976
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Munster Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant 3rd King's African Rifles
Born 1894
Died 1917
Air Force (RAF/RFC) Flying Officer Royal Flying Corps
Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant South Staffordshire Regiment 3rd Battalion
Born 1896
British Army Second Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment
British Army Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment
Born 1896
Died 1971
British Army Second Lieutenant Essex Regiment 2nd Battalion
British Army Captain Essex Regiment 2nd Battalion
Born 1892
Died 1914
British Army Lieutenant Gloucestershire Regiment 1st Battalion
British Army Second Lieutenant Gloucestershire Regiment
British Army Lieutenant Gloucestershire Regiment 4th (City of Bristol) Battalion (Territorial) attached 1st Battalion
Born 1896
Died 1973
British Army Second Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
Born 1892
Died 1962
British Army Second Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps
British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Born 1895
Died 1957
British Army Temporary Second Lieutenant Durham Light Infantry
Born 1893
Died 1916
British Army Lieutenant Yorkshire Regiment 8th Battalion
Born 1894
Died 1916
British Army Temporary Captain East Yorkshire Regiment
British Army Captain Yorkshire Regiment 7th battalion, east Battalion
British Army Second Lieutenant Indian Army Reserve of Officers
British Army Lieutenant Indian Army Reserve of Officers
British Army Lieutenant South Wales Borderers
British Army Captain South Wales Borderers