This series of monthly talks to mark the Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme included - Communications from the Front in July - Sporting Personalities in August - Behind the Lines in September - New Technologies in October - Famous Names in November. In addition to presenting the stories of some those who served, Charlotte Czyzyk, IWM's Lives of the First World War Co-ordinator, also explained the resources and records available.
Created by: , Barbara27286
Born 1892
Died 1973
British Army Temporary Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
British Army Temporary Second Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers
Born 1858
Died 1933
British Army Inspector of Military Orthopaedics Royal Army Medical Corps
British Army Major Royal Army Medical Corps
British Army Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Army Medical Corps Territorial Force
Born 1882
Died 1956
British Army 2285 Serjeant Royal Warwickshire Regiment
British Army Captain Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Born 1881
Died 1916
Royal Navy Sub-Lieutenant Royal Naval Volunter Reserve
Royal Navy Lieutenant-Commander Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Royal Navy Lieutenant Royal Naval Volunter Reserve
Born 1896
Died 1970
British Army Gunner Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lance Corporal Tank Corps
British Army 200799 Corporal Tank Corps
Born 1891
Died 1978
British Army Voluntary Aid Detachment
Other Empire Force Australian Red Cross, Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau
Born 1885
Died 1939
British Army 135618 Serjeant Royal Engineers
British Army WR/501557 Serjeant Royal Engineers
Born 1853
Died 1939
Other Empire Force Surgeon Northumberland War Hospital
Born 1877
Died 1962
British Army War Correspondent
Born 1888
Died 1916
British Army Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery C Battery, 78th Brigade, 17th Division
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery