These Life Stories are ones that had a Rank fact showing regiment of "Manitoba Regiment" with a service of British Army. Many of these were mis-transcriptions, copied from the source National Archives service medal index card dataset, and should instead be Manchester Regiment or Monmouthshire Regiment. Alternatively, some were generated from medal index cards for the award of the Military Medal or MiD, and despite correctly showing Manitoba Regiment on the card, when used as seed data on Lives "British Army" has been added as the service in the Rank field. These life stories are gathered in this temporary community while the data checking process is ongoing, and are all ones that have been checked, and confirmed or corrected. The community will eventually be deleted.
Created by: , Yvonne70954
British Army 235867 Private East Lancashire Regiment
British Army 277585 Private Manchester Regiment
Canadian Expeditionary Force 690352 Private Manitoba Regiment
Canadian Expeditionary Force 693265 Corporal Canadian Infantry Battalion (Manitoba Regiment)
Canadian Expeditionary Force 105106 Lance Serjeant Manitoba Regiment 52nd Battalion
Canadian Expeditionary Force 622474 Serjeant Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) 44th Battalion