The McDonald or MacDonald Family, Nova Scotia

The McDonald or MacDonald Family, Nova Scotia

This community respectfully remembers the members of the McDonald (shown in the death records as MacDonald) family killed in the Halifax explosion. Margaret McDonald (nee Jackson) perished together with her married daughter Mary Elizabeth Boutilier, her daughters Ethel and Annie, sons Arthur, Allan, Carroll and Charles, son-in-law Carroll Boutilier and baby grandsons Vincent and Carroll Boutilier (Mary's husband and sons). Margaret McDonald's husband Vincent, a locomotive fireman, and son Gordon survived the explosion and Vincent had the heart-breaking task of identifying his family. The Jackson family lost other family members in this truly awful disaster.

Created by: , Ann39898

CSV Export
  • Born 1899

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1914

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1894

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1917

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1903

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1916

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1907

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian Halifax Explosion Victim

  • Born 1916

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

  • Born 1912

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian Halifax Explosion Victim

  • Born 1881

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian Halifax Explosion Victim

  • Born 1897

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Civilian

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