Canadian Faith communities with pacifist beliefs. Dedicated to David Wells and other conscientious objectors

Canadian Faith communities with pacifist beliefs. Dedicated to David Wells and other conscientious objectors

In a number of the faith communities , a man ordinarily subject to conscription for military service could obtain a certificate of exemption if he objected conscientiously to combatant service and was prohibited from engaging in warfare “by the tenets and articles of faith, in effect on the sixth day of July, 1917, of any organized religious denomination existing and well recognized in Canada at such date, and to which he in good faith belongs.” Some communities such as the Disciples of Christ, International Bible Students Association, Pentecostal Assemblies, and Plymouth Brethren were not organized or recognized religious denominations under the terms of the act, even though all of them were committed to pacifist principles. The community remembers the Lives of the members of all these faith groups as identified on their attestation papers. Other conscientious objectors including those who served are also remembered.

Created by: , Janet2378

CSV Export
  • Born 1888

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3107843

  • Born 1889

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 258799

  • Born 1891

    Died 1917

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 322936

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 322936 Private Canadian Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1895

    Died 1918

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3259532

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3259532 Private Canadian Railway Troops

  • Born 1870

    Died 1954

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 18945

  • Born 1889

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 477727

  • Born 1897

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 775876

  • British Army 261685 Private Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry/Eastern Ontario Regiment

  • Born 1897

    Died 1918

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 928685

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 928685 Private Canadian Infantry

  • Born 1877

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 231492

  • Born 1871

    Died 1952

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 18451 Major 37th Battalion

  • Born 1898

    Died 1976

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 198979

  • Born 1895

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3210998

  • Born 1896

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3210177

  • Born 1885

    Died 1916

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 114543

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 114543 Private Canadian Mounted Rifles 1st Battalion

  • Born 1889

    Canadian Expeditionary Force Nursing Sister Canadian Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1894

    Died 1950

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 504387

  • Born 1897

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3236010

  • Born 1895

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3210351

  • Born 1896

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 3057651

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