

Belgian, from Belgium

Created by: , Keith1947

CSV Export
  • Other Empire Force Prisoner of War Helpers

  • Other Empire Force Civilian French or Belgian

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Agents

  • Died 1914

    Other Empire Force Private 2nd Class 3rd Belgian Chasseur de Pied

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Agents

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Agents

  • Profile picture for J B Roeykens

    Other Empire Force Sergent Belgisch Leger

    Other Empire Force Interpreter Belgian Army attached Wiltshire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Albert Debucquoy

    Born 1886

    Died 1915

    Other Empire Force 50430 Belgian Army

  • Profile picture for Louis Grisar

    Born 1877

    Other Empire Force 36 Interpreter Interpreters Corps

    Other Empire Force Second Lieutenant Belgian Army

    Other Empire Force Sous Lieutenant Belgisch Leger - Tolkenkorps

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Agents

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Agents

  • Other Empire Force Belgian Civilian who assisted British soldiers

  • Other Empire Force S/8499 Belgian Agents

  • Died 1914

    Other Empire Force Private 2nd Class 2nd Belgian Chasseurs de Pied

  • Born 1876

    Died 1929

    Other Empire Force 5th Platoon, 3rd Squadron Trooper Legion of Frontiersmen 3rd Regiment of Lancers, Belgian Army

    Other Empire Force Corporal Corps de Mitrailleurs, Belgian Army

  • Profile picture for Jules Leopold Vandevenne

    Born 1892

    Died 1915

    Other Empire Force 127/68125 / (48) Private 2nd Class 3rd Belgian Chasseur de Pied 1st Battalion

  • Profile picture for Alexandre G Bogaert

    Born 1888

    Other Empire Force Belgisch Leger - Tolkenkorps

    Other Empire Force Interpreter Attached First Army British Forces

  • Profile picture for Jean Labat

    Other Empire Force Clerk Belgian Army Army Ordnance Depot

    Other Empire Force Belgisch Leger

  • Profile picture for Oscar Mestram

    Other Empire Force Belgian Army

    Other Empire Force Soldaat Belgisch Leger - 9e Linie regiment

  • Profile picture for Pierre Monteny

    Other Empire Force 158793 Serjeant Belgian Army

    Other Empire Force Belgisch Leger

    Other Empire Force Sergent 4e Régiment de Ligne

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