In Autumn 1917 the 126th Canadian Forestry Corps was deployed to fell trees in Ampthill and the surrounding district to support the war effort. The activity threatened the Victorian beauty spot of Cooper's Hill and attracted considerable discontent among the town’s folk. The Canadian troops assisted by Portuguese labourers cleared a large swathe of mature pine trees, and shipped them off by rail for use at the Front. Despite this, the Canadian troops developed a warm bond with the people of Ampthill by taking part in local activities and themselves providing concerts at the Y.M.C.A. hut. A year on the Corps departed as friends and Sgt Herman Porter wrote of the experience. The Alameda Walk was spared the axe and Cooper's Hill has gone onto regenerate as a tranquil heath that we now hold dear.
Created by: , Stephen117638
Born 1897
Died 1918
Canadian Expeditionary Force 2005068
Canadian Expeditionary Force 2005068 Private Canadian Forestry Corps 53D
Canadian Expeditionary Force 2005068 Private Canadian Forestry Corps 126th
Born 1891
Died 1935
Canadian Expeditionary Force 283086
Canadian Expeditionary Force Sergeant Canadian Forestry Corps 126th
Canadian Expeditionary Force Sergeant Canadian Forestry Corps 126th