Remembering the 5th Battalion of the British West Indies Regiment who sailed from Belize (formerly British Honduras) on 14 July, collected men in Jamaica on 15 July and arrived in Alexandria, Egypt on 17 August 1916. All of the men were volunteers. For those who died extra information has been collected from the Soldiers' Effects records, but for lots of these men there are only medal records because they managed to survive; (the medal rolls are however split by island and show their original battalion). So they sailed from home, served in the war and then sailed home again, with the regiment not invited to the Peace (Victory) Parade held in London July 1919 // incomplete.
Created by: , Deborah102878
Born 1889
British Army 4337 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 4337 Private British West Indies Regiment attached Royal Engineers attached Prisoner of War camp
Born 1894
British Army 5264 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 5781 Acting Serjeant British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
British Army 5258 Private British West Indies Regiment
Died 1918
British Army 5117 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
British Army 5117 Private British West Indies Regiment attached Royal Engineers 2nd Battalion attached Inland Water Transport
Born 1896
British Army 5028 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
Died 1918
British Army 6327 Private British West Indies Regiment 4th Battalion
British Army 6327 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
British Army 5271 Acting Serjeant British West Indies Regiment
British Army 5345 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
Died 1917
British Army 7188 Private British West Indies Regiment
Born 1898
Other Empire Force 2566 British Honduras Territorial Force
British Army 5362 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion