This high profile case was reported in the Times during 1919. It centers on allegations of ill-treatment of British soldiers(PoWs) -mostly, but not all, taken at the fall of Kut 29/4/16- against William Fratel at Bagtche camp, mainly during the period June-Sept 1916 when he was the sole British medical representative, working under a German called Dr Conus who was employed by the German railway construction company; This community is a collection of those names that appeared in the Times reports as witnesses or who were victims (or both), as well as the accused himself. The descriptions of ill-treatment in those reports are harrowing.
Created by: , charlie59580
Born 1893
Died 1916
British Army 2078 Lance Corporal Somerset Light Infantry
British Army 2078 Private Somerset Light Infantry
Born 1882
Died 1916
British Army 91153 Gunner Royal Field Artillery
Born 1886
British Army 28071 Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery
British Army Conductor /Sub Engineer /Warrant Officer Class 1 Military Works Service
Born 1893
British Army 72917 Gunner Royal Field Artillery
British Army 72917 Bombardier Royal Field Artillery
Born 1884
British Army 34884 Staff Serjeant Royal Field Artillery
British Army 1042905 Staff Serjeant Royal Field Artillery
Born 1893
Died 1916
British Army 2521 Private Devonshire Regiment
British Army 26589 Private Devonshire Regiment
Born 1882
British Army 13011 Serjeant Royal Field Artillery
British Army 13011 Warrant Officer Class 2 Royal Field Artillery
Born 1875
Died 1916
British Army 41097 Serjeant Royal Field Artillery
British Army 4543 Gunner Royal Field Artillery
British Army 4543 then 855372 Gunner Royal Field Artillery
Born 1886
Died 1920
British Army 7857 Private Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
British Army 7857 Private Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry
Born 1887
Indian Army Assistant Surgeon Indian Subordinate Medical Department
Indian Army Assistant Surgeon, 3rd Class Indian Subordinate Medical Department 16th Division
Born 1886
Died 1916
British Army 41120 Serjeant Royal Field Artillery
Born 1881
British Army 6334 Serjeant Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
Born 1891
Died 1916
British Army 53482 Acting Bombardier Royal Field Artillery
British Army 53482 Gunner Royal Field Artillery 63rd Battery
Died 1916
British Army 91385 Gunner Royal Field Artillery
Born 1876
Died 1917
British Army 22145 Staff Serjeant and SubConductor Royal Garrison Artillery and Ind Mil Works Svc