St Andrews War Memorial

St Andrews War Memorial

Those listed on the War Memorial in St Andrews, Fife. St Andrews War Memorial, which was unveiled on the 23rd of September 1922, was designed by Sir Robert Lorimer and built at a cost of £2,300. It is built of grey granite with a sandstone plinth and was erected at the west wall of the Cathedral grounds. The base has the following inscription: “To the glory of God and the honoured memory of the men of St Andrews who with courage and faith at their country’s call, laid down their lives that we who remain might live in freedom and peace”. In the surrounding wall are bronze plaques bearing the names of 185 men who fell in WW1. 4 names are currently unidentified: Andrew Brown Royal Artillery [possibly a duplication of Andrew Waters/Walters Brown], John Taylor Royal Highlanders, Y M Anderson Seaforth Highlanders [possibly a duplication of John Murray Anderson] and William J Taylor 1st Royal Dragoons [possibly William Jack Taylor who died of Pneumonia at Dunbar in 1919 but a military connection is unconfirmed].

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  • Born 1893

    Died 1918

    British Army 4876 Private Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

    British Army 276808 Private Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

    British Army 276808 Lance Corporal Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1/7th Battalion.

  • Born 1860

    Died 1915

    British Army Major Manchester Regiment

  • Born 1889

    Died 1916

    British Army S/11221 Private Royal Highlanders

    British Army S/11221 Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 8th (Service) Battalion.

  • Born 1889

    Died 1917

    British Army 19490 Private Royal Scots 16th Battalion.

  • Born 1892

    Died 1917

    British Army 1194 Corporal Royal Highlanders

    British Army 290051 Corporal Royal Highlanders

    British Army 290051 Serjeant Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 7th (Fife) Battalion (Territorial).

  • Born 1895

    Died 1918

    British Army S/4435 Lance Corporal Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

    British Army S/4435 Corporal Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

    British Army S/4435 Acting Sergeant Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 12th Battalion.

  • Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

  • Born 1886

    Died 1915

    British Army 4242 Private Highland Light Infantry 1st Battalion

    British Army 4242 Private Highland Light Infantry 12th (Service) Battn.

  • Born 1897

    Died 1918

    British Army 28376 Corporal Machine Gun Corps

    British Army 28376 Corporal Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)

  • Born 1896

    Died 1916

    British Army S/9801 Private Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 2nd Battalion

  • Profile picture for George Conway Jackson

    Born 1890

    Died 1915

    British Army Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers

  • Born 1882

    Died 1918

    British Army 29807 Private Highland Light Infantry

    British Army 29807 Corporal Highland Light Infantry 18th Battalion (4th Glasgow).

  • Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army S/19686 Private Gordon Highlanders 1st Battalion.

  • Born 1896

    Died 1918

    British Army 2001 Private Fife and Forfar Yeomanry

    British Army 345184 Private Royal Highlanders

    British Army 345184 Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeo.) Battalion.

  • Born 1891

    Died 1918

    British Army 267378 Private Royal Highlanders

    British Army 267378 Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 6th (Perthshire) Battalion (Territorial).

  • Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army T.R./1/8887 Private Training Reserve 40th Battalion

    British Army S/31150 Private Cameron Highlanders 2nd Battalion.

  • British Army 57568 Private Liverpool Regiment

  • Born 1890

    Died 1918

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 154992

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 154992 Sapper Canadian Railway Troops

  • Profile picture for Leonard Graeme Morrison

    Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Highlanders

    British Army Captain Royal Highlanders

    British Army Lieutenant Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 9th Battalion

  • Born 1900

    Died 1918

    British Army S/23338 Private Gordon Highlanders 1st Battalion.