Husbands and Wives

Husbands and Wives

Remembering married couples who both died while on service during WW1.

Created by: , Yvonne27542

CSV Export
  • Profile picture for Mary Stuart Gartside-Tipping

    Born 1865

    Died 1917

    Other Empire Force Women's Emergency Corps

  • Profile picture for Reginald Noel Davis

    Born 1890

    Died 1916

    British Army Lieutenant West Riding Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant West Riding Regiment 2nd Battalion

    British Army Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) West Riding Regiment 2nd Battalion

  • Profile picture for Mildred C Davis

    Born 1893

    Died 1918

    Other Empire Force Driver French Red Cross

  • Profile picture for Henry Thomas Gartside-Tipping

    Born 1848

    Died 1915

    Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Lieut-Commander H.M. Yacht "Sanda"

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