HMS Flirt

HMS Flirt

This community really come about because I kept on encountering HMS Flirt names while adding into my Portsmouth Kingston Cemetery Community. On the night of 26/27 October 1916 the German Navy raided the Dover Barrage with two and a half flotillas of torpedo boats and destroyers. Flirt under the command of Lieutenant R. P. Kellett responded to gunfire from the drifter line. She found the drifter Waveney II on fire and sent a boat to assist. When unidentified ships approached she issued a challenge and was immediately fired upon by the Germans. Flirt was lost; the only survivors were those dispatched to aid Waveney II. There appear to be almost 60 names on the Roll of Honour from that incident, and from what I can see there are 15 already on Lives that have been Identified. I am also going to add in any other men from Flirt that may have died while a member of the crew of which there appear to be at least 4, and I am adding in the names of those who were survivors too. HMS Flirt has not been forgotten and most of her crew are commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial . As an aside, I encountered the names of more former crew from HMS Flirt who were accidentally drowned going aboard ship by the capsizing of the whaler at Eastbourne.

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CSV Export
  • Profile picture for Andrew Nevill Swainson

    Born 1889

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy Lieutenant

    Royal Navy Lieutenant HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Colin Campbell Cameron

    Born 1884

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy L9018 Officers Steward 2nd class. HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for John Wood

    Born 1871

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy 170070

    Royal Navy 170070 Chief Stoker H.M.S. "Flirt."

    Royal Navy 170070 Stoker 2nd Class

  • Profile picture for George Atherton

    Born 1897

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy SS5985 Ordinary Seaman HMS Attentive II

    Royal Navy SS5985 Able Seaman HMS Flirt

    Royal Navy SS5985 Ordinary Seaman HMS Victory I

  • Profile picture for Charles Henry Fennell

    Born 1889

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy K30751 Stoker 2nd class HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Arthur Stroud

    Born 1892

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy J2277 Able Seaman HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Leslie Arthur Claridge

    Born 1896

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy J17581 Able Seaman HIS Flirt

  • Born 1893

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy S 4348 Stoker Royal Naval Reserve

    Royal Navy 4348S Stoker Royal Naval Reserve - H.M.S. "Flirt."

  • Profile picture for John Albert Crooks

    Born 1894

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy K16515 Stoker 1st Class HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Frederick Arthur Godfrey Steele

    Born 1896

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy J18803 Able Seaman HMS Flirt

  • Born 1894

    Royal Navy SS4048 Able Seaman

  • Profile picture for Joseph Godfrey

    Born 1877

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy 185558(PO) Able Seaman HMS Flirt

  • Born 1885

    Royal Navy A 6899 Seaman Royal Naval Reserve HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Harold Arthur Seager

    Born 1892

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy M103 Engine Room Artificer 3rd class HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Henry John Chase

    Born 1880

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy 186621 Leading Seaman HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Albert Henry Shott

    Born 1893

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy M1128 Engine Room Artificer 4th class HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for John Lyons

    Born 1872

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy 163666 Petty Officer Stoker HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for John James Woods

    Born 1888

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy K3757 Stoker 1st Class HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Joseph Wise

    Born 1887

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy 222824 Leading Signalman HMS Flirt

  • Profile picture for Edward John Chapman

    Born 1895

    Died 1916

    Royal Navy M16950 Cooks Mate 2nd class HMS Flirt

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