GWR Roll of Honour Taunton

GWR Roll of Honour Taunton

Soldiers commemorated on the GWR Roll of Honour at Taunton Railway Station in Somerset

Created by: , Andrew13060

CSV Export
  • Profile picture for John Thomas Manning

    Born 1886

    Died 1917

    British Army 90695 Private Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1896

    Died 1917

    British Army Second Lieutenant Welsh Regiment attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Welsh Regiment

  • Born 1883

    Died 1916

    British Army 5532 Private Middlesex Regiment 1/8th Battalion

    British Army G/43924 Private Middlesex Regiment 1/8th Battalion

    British Army G/43924 Private Middlesex Regiment

  • Profile picture for Charles Milton

    Born 1889

    Died 1917

    British Army 1456 Private Somerset Light Infantry

    British Army 240197 Private Somerset Light Infantry

  • Profile picture for Alfred King Tripe

    Born 1887

    Died 1917

    British Army 2nd Lieutenants Royal Garrison Artillery Devonshire

    British Army Lieutenant Tank Corps

  • Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army 43694 Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery 14th Siege Battery.

  • Profile picture for Herbert Geoffrey Chequer

    Born 1889

    Died 1917

    British Army 78142 Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery

  • Born 1894

    Died 1918

    British Army 024304 Private Army Ordnance Corps

    British Army 024304 Private Royal Army Ordnance Corps 125th Coy.

  • Born 1882

    Died 1915

    British Army 7748 Private Welsh Regiment 2nd Battalion

    British Army 7748 Private Welsh Regiment

  • Profile picture for Archibald Walter Sheppard

    Born 1888

    Died 1917

    British Army 324 Sapper Royal Engineers

    British Army 520170 Sapper Royal Engineers Wiltshire (Fortress) Company

  • Profile picture for Charles Cowley

    Died 1916

    British Army 23657 Private Royal Berkshire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Frank Uriah Bolt

    Born 1895

    Died 1918

    British Army 9853 Serjeant Dorsetshire Regiment

    British Army Dorsetshire Regiment

    British Army 9853 Serjeant Dorsetshire Regiment 5th Battalion

  • Born 1878

    Died 1918

    British Army 14461 Gunner Royal Field Artillery 42nd Brigade

    British Army 14461 Gunner Royal Field Artillery 4th Reserve Brigade

  • Profile picture for Alfred Hale

    Born 1895

    Died 1919

    British Army 200214 Private Wiltshire Regiment

    British Army 1534 Private Wiltshire Regiment 1/4th Battalion

  • Died 1917

    British Army 324244 Private London Regiment 6th lond Battalion

  • Born 1889

    Died 1918

    British Army 2872 Trooper Household Battalion

    British Army 30554 Trooper Grenadier Guards

  • Profile picture for Charles John Lucas

    Born 1900

    Died 1918

    British Army 35892 Private Royal Warwickshire Regiment 14th Battalion.

  • Profile picture for Jesse Guiseppe Comley

    Born 1893

    Died 1917

    British Army 12474 Private Wiltshire Regiment

  • Profile picture for George Edward Knight

    Born 1892

    Died 1917

    British Army 12238 Private Wiltshire Regiment 7th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Stanley George Drewett

    Born 1898

    Died 1918

    British Army GS/65001 Private Royal Fusiliers 1/2nd London

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