Ugandan Railway, Nairobi Defence Force and others

Ugandan Railway, Nairobi Defence Force and others

Bringing together those from India who served with the Volunteer Corps,Defence Forces and other groups based in the East African Protectorate (later Uganda and Kenya) I have taken the following information from: At the outbreak of the Great War in August 1914 there were 2 armed military units in the British East Africa Protectorate the King’s African Rifles and the Uganda Railway Volunteer Reserve. The Uganda Railway, running from Mombasa on the Indian Ocean Coast to Kisumu on Lake Victoria, had been opened for traffic in December 1901. A few years before the Great War commenced a Uganda Railway Volunteer Reserve had been recruited from amongst the European employees of the railway. The unit followed the lines of the Railway Volunteers in India & had been formed to guard the railway in the event of an emergency. The strength was around 100 men & training had usually been rifle practice. On 09 August 1914 the unit was mobilised & 60 men under the command of Captain H.V. Kershaw, an assistant accountant, left Nairobi by special train for Voi, along with a KAR patrol. For the next four months the Uganda Railway Volunteers guarded the line & bridges along the 147 mile stretch of rail between Sultan Hamud (in between Kiu & Simba Stations) & Voi. Meanwhile in the railway workshops improvised armoured trains were built for use when patrolling the line. Other Sources the site refers to: Magadi by M.F. Hill, Permanent Way – the story of the Kenya & Uganda Railway by M.F.Hill, Official History. Military Operations East Africa August 1914-September 1916., The Story of The East African Mounted Rifles by C.J. Wilson, Die Operationen in Ost Africa by Ludwig Boell This community was created in memory of my Great Uncle Ernest C Bradbury (1881-1907) of the Uganda Railway volunteers and his comrades who went on to serve in WW1

Created by: , Gerry64196

CSV Export
  • British Army 21 Private Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 26113 Temporary Conductor East African Force Railway Corps

  • British Army 11251 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 11028 Commander; Conductor Uganda Railway

  • British Army 11248 Uganda Railway

    British Army 11248 Havildar Uganda Railway

  • British Army Private Uganda Railway Volunteers

    British Army 29 Private Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 44 Sepoy Uganda Railway Indian Volunteer Corps

  • British Army Uganda Railway Volunteers

    British Army 3rd Engineer Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 43 Private Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army Uganda Railway Volunteers

    British Army 11415 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army Honorary Major/Works Manager Uganda Railway

  • British Army Uganda Railway Volunteers

    British Army 11416 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army Uganda Railway Volunteers

    British Army 11412 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army Clerk Imperial East African Medical Service

  • British Army Sub Conductor Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army Uganda Railway Volunteer Reserve

    British Army Nyasaland Defence Force

    British Army East African Unattached List

  • British Army 11420 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 11008 Uganda Railway

  • British Army 11499 Havildar Uganda Railway Volunteers

  • British Army 25046 Temporary Conductor East African Force Railway Corps

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