Berkhamsted School Roll of Honour 1914: Temporary Commissions

Berkhamsted School Roll of Honour 1914: Temporary Commissions

In the November 1914 edition of The Berkhamstedian (vol XXXIV no 196 pages 91 to 94) a list of Old Boys serving in the forces was published as a Roll of Honour. The 360 names are listed under several headings. This community records all of the 59 men in the section headed 'TEMPORARY COMMISSIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY '

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  • Born 1892

    Died 1974

    British Army Lieutenant Captain Essex Regiment General Staff

    British Army Captain Essex Regiment

  • Born 1891

    Died 1915

    British Army 14083 Private West Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Yorkshire Regiment 10th Battalion

  • Born 1890

    Died 1915

    British Army Temporary Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry

    British Army Lance Corporal London University OTC

    British Army Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry 10th Battalion

  • Born 1866

    Died 1939

    British Army Lieutenant Colonel Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Colonel Royal Warwickshire Regiment

  • Born 1888

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Engineers

  • Born 1892

    British Army Lieutenant Army Service Corps

    British Army Temporary Captain Royal Army Service Corps

    British Army Major Royal Army Service Corps

  • Born 1891

    Died 1960

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Army Medical Corps

    British Army Captain Royal Army Medical Corps

    British Army Major Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Profile picture for Percy Edward Adams

    Born 1873

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Army Medical Corps

    British Army Captain Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Born 1895

    British Army Captain York and Lancaster Regiment

    British Army Major 10th York and Lancaster Regiment 10th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Eric Percival William Muschamp

    Born 1893

    Died 1973

    British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps

  • Born 1893

    Died 1968

    British Army Captain Army Service Corps

    British Army Major Army Service Corps

  • Born 1891

    Died 1915

    British Army Lieutenant Northumberland Regiment 12th Battalion

  • Born 1895

    Died 1979

    British Army Royal Fusiliers

    British Army Lieutenant Worcestershire Regiment

  • Born 1893

    Died 1916

    British Army Temporary Second Lieutenant Bedfordshire Regiment 1st Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant Bedfordshire Regiment 9th Battalion attached 1st Battalion

  • Born 1895

    British Army Lieutenant Somerset Light Infantry

    British Army Captain Somerset Light Infantry

    British Army Acting Captain Somerset Light Infantry

  • Profile picture for Leslie Hermann Berlein

    Born 1893

    Died 1915

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Berkshire Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Berkshire Regiment 8th Battalion

  • Born 1894

    Died 1915

    British Army Second Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps 7th Battalion

  • Born 1895

    Died 1915

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal West Surrey Regiment 3rd Battalion

  • Born 1894

    Died 1972

    British Army Second Lieutenant Devonshire Regiment

    British Army Major Machine Gun Corps

  • Born 1897

    British Army Lieutenant Wiltshire Regiment