Lochbroom and Gairloch Relatives

Lochbroom and Gairloch Relatives

Relatives from the Lochbroom and Gairloch Parishes of Ross-shire (Urquharts, MacLeods and Grants). The Urquharts were brothers, the Grants were brothers, John and Murdo MacLeod were brothers, and Angus MacLeod was a cousin. All the men were related in some way to each other.

Created by: , Ursula6166

CSV Export
  • Profile picture for Angus Macleod

    Born 1884

    Died 1917

    Royal Navy K38262 Stoker 2nd Class HMS Victory

    Royal Navy K38262 Stoker 2nd Class HMS Derwent

  • Born 1900

    Died 1973

    Royal Navy PZ/1890 Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

  • Born 1891

    Died 1976

    Royal Navy SD3118 Deck Hand Royal Naval Reserve

  • Profile picture for Hector Mcgregor Urquhart

    Born 1883

    Died 1927

    Royal Navy 215858 Petty Officer

    Royal Navy F15858 Acting Air Mechanic 1st Class

    Royal Navy F 15858 Air Mechanic Second Class

  • Profile picture for John Mcleod

    Born 1886

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 2138727

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 2138727 Private 1st Canadian Reserve Battalion

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 2138727 Private British Columbia Regiment 2nd Depot Battalion

  • Profile picture for John Grant

    Born 1894

    Died 1982

    British Army 5217 Private Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army 161171 Private Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Profile picture for Murdoch Urquhart

    Born 1885

    Died 1941

    New Zealand Expeditionary Force 60590

    New Zealand Expeditionary Force 60590 Private Samoan Relief Force Reinforcements

  • Born 1892

    Deck Hand Reserve

    Royal Navy DA 20285 Deck Hand Royal Naval Reserve

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