We remember Ernest Edward Bryan

We remember Ernest Edward Bryan

Duplicate of E E Byran
Duplicate of E E Bryan
Duplicate of E E Bryan
Duplicate of Ernest Edward Bryan
Duplicate of E E Bryan

Also remembered by 4 people

Profile picture for Ernest Edward Bryan



sibling George Warriner Bryan Source:9564854 26th March 1888
sibling Frederick Neville Bryan Source:9562819 16th July 1889
sibling Lily Warriner Bryan Source:9553765 5th November 1890
birth Liverpool United Kingdom Source:9553743 Source:9553765 28th December 1892
sibling Leonard Victor Bryan Source:9553765 15th February 1894
dates Age 1 Source:9553765 9th April 1894
sibling Lawrence Wilfred Bryan Source:9558640 15th July 1895
sibling Ivy Maria Bryan Source:9558648 18th May 1897
sibling Alice Winifred Bryan Source:9558648 24th January 1899
sibling Victoria Alexandra Bryan Source:9558648 13th January 1901
sibling Emily Bryan Source:9564854 1902
sibling Sarah Bryan Source:9564854 1906
dates Age 14 Source:9562776 8th January 1907
education Oxton N. School Birkenhead United Kingdom Source:9562776 8th January 1907
employment Boy Messenger Post Office Birkenhead United Kingdom Source:9562793 1st March 1907 - 18th January 1909
dates Age 16 Source:9562793 18th January 1909
sibling Nora Bryan Source:9564854 3rd May 1909
education Oxton School Birkenhead, Wirral, Cheshire United Kingdom Source:9556837 1914
employment Grocer's assistant Liverpool United Kingdom Source:9554338 1914
events Trophy Training United Kingdom Granpop labelled this as 1914 so this must have been taken during their early training. Is it a sports trophy , or competition between the different Companies? Granpop was a keen sportsman. Source:9562802 1914
service British Army Company Sergeant 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9554021 1914 - 1919
service British Army King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion also called 1st City Battalion Source:9554427 1914
service British Army Lance Corporal 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion (1st City) Source:572683 1914 - 1920
location 4 Waverley Grove, Prenton, Cheshire United Kingdom their own address Source:9554338 1914
location 4 Waverley Grove, Preston, Cheshire United Kingdom their own address Source:9554338 1914
location Prescot Watch Works United Kingdom military residence address Source:9554376 1914
hospitalisation Scarlet Fever Hospital/Institution Source:9581993 August 1914 - August 1914
events Going the Liverpool Pals Enlistment details Liverpool United Kingdom Granpop always said that he joined up on the day war broke out, however, I think he might have meant the first day that enlistment opened for the Liverpool Pals on August 31st. Source:9581998 31st August 1914
dates Age 21 Source:9554338 3rd September 1914
enlistment Liverpool, Lancashire United Kingdom Source:9554338 3rd September 1914
service British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th (Service) Battalion Source:9554338 3rd September 1914
appointments Lewis Gun team leader Source:9554427 1915 - 1918
events Assaults from the Trenches Military action Granpop went "over the top" 17 times. Source:9564513 1915 - 1918
events Wounded Four Times Wounds Source:9564513 1915 - 1919
hospitalisation Wounded four times while in France and/or Belgium. Hospital/Institution Source:9554021 1915 - 1918
theatres France & Belgium: 1a Source:9553933 1915 - 1918
events Training in Belton Park Camp, Grantham Training Grantham United Kingdom The four Liverpool Pals Battalions became part of the 89th Brigade along with the Manchester and Oldham Pals. Source:9562825 May 1915 - September 1915
location Belton Park Camp, Grantham United Kingdom military residence address Source:9562825 May 1915 - September 1915
location Larkhill Camp, Salisbury Plain United Kingdom military residence address Source:9633885 6th November 1915
service British Army Lance Corporal 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9643130 7th November 1915
service British Army Sergeant 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9558561 December 1915
service British Army Company Sergeant Major 15755 17th Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment Source:9424509 1916 - 1919
service British Army Sergeant 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9562750 1916
events Lewis Gun Number One Going Over the Top Somme France Granpop emphasized the exhaustion felt by him and his men due to the weight they had to carry as the crossed no-man's land. He complained about it to his officers. Source:9582057 1st July 1916
events Experience of a Lewis Gunner Interview France There are more details re-this interview in the uploaded section, which I wrote down while listening to this interview. Source:9582110 1st July 1916
awards Mention in Despatches Other War Service Award Source:9562830 July 1916
service British Army Acting Sergeant 15755 King's Liverpool Regment 17th Battalion Source:9643130 15th July 1916
theatres France & Belgium: 1a Source:9554548 July 1916
events Drumhead Service Religious Guillemont France E.E.Bryan and brother, L.V. Bryan, are marked with crosses on the left-hand side of the nearest kneeling soldiers. E.E. Bryan is 2nd from the left in front row and Len is kneeling behind him. Source:9558628 27th July 1916
events Lewis Gun Team Action Guillemont, France France Team members: Raymond Cafferta, Ralph Wilkes, Len Bryan, Ernie Lewis, Cecil Betts, Ernie Bryan, Tommy Harris Source:9554710 29th July 1916 - 30th July 1916
appointments Acting Lewis Gun Officer Source:9554664 2nd October 1916 - June 1918
service British Army Sergeant 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9643130 22nd October 1916
events Third Battle of Ypres Formation of Composite Battalion Ypres Belgium Source:9641643 1917
events Third Battle of Ypres Military Action Ypres area Belgium Granpop arrived in the Ypres area in May 1917 at Brandhoek. Source:9641675 May 1917
service British Army Battalion Lewis Gun Instructor 15755 King' Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9640637 21st July 1917
events Opinion of Shackleton Boots Meeting Ernest Shackleton Russian Federation Granpop told me that he met the famous Polar explorer, Ernest Shackleton, while in Russia, and told him that his boots were rubbish. Granpop was very "up-front" in letting people know his opinions. Source:9581951 1918 - 1919
events Voyage to Russia Russia Beresnic Russian Federation Source:9558525 1918
hospitalisation Wounded once while in Russia. Hospital/Institution Source:9554021 1918 - 1919
theatres Russia :3 Source:9553933 1918 - 1919
awards Military Medal (MM) British Award/Decoration Source:9562832 23rd March 1918
service British Army Company Sergeant Major 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9643130 12th May 1918
events Bolsheviks Renew Vaga Attack Evacuation Vystavka, River Vaga, Russia Russian Federation The village of Vystavka was defended by Allied forces against a series of attacks from the Red Army during the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War in late January-early March, 1919. Source:9566622 January 1919 - March 1919
awards Stanislaus Russian Order Other War Service Award Source:9553933 1919
awards Stanislaus Russian Order Other War Service Award Source:9564546 1919
events The Eighty-Ninth Club Membership Organisation Liverpool United Kingdom The club was principally open to "original members" who had enlisted in early 1914, had fought in France, sons of "original members," members of the Bedford Regiment who served in the 89th. Source:9566722 1919
events Members of C Company KLR North Russia Expeditionary Force Russian Federation The silver plaque was attached to a clock, given as a gift to celebrate E.E. Bryan's marriage to Sarah Wilkinson, on his return from Russia 1919. Source:9568711 1919
service British Army Company Sergeant Major 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:9554427 1919
service British Army Warrant Officer Class 2 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Source:572683 1919 - 1919
events February Travel Permit in Russian Travel Permit in Russia Russian Federation Granpop kept this document (possibly a permit to travel by road & rail), along with a Special Sleigh Permit and a newspaper article re-withdrawal from Vaga area in 1919. Source:9566663 27th February 1919
events Travel in Russia Document Bereznik Russian Federation Granpop talked about his interpreter, Sergt. Antonoff as I was growing up. Antonoff taught Granpop a lot about surviving in the Russian countryside. He probably taught Granpop to cross-country ski. Source:9566690 27th February 1919
service British Army CSM 15755 236th Brigade 17 Battalion KLR Source:9558510 15th March 1919
appointments Warrant Officer II (Temporary) Source:9554680 12th May 1919 - September 1919
service British Army Company Sergeant Major 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th (Service) Battalion Source:9562928 16th June 1919
appointments Sergeant Major Source:9562754 17th June 1919
events H.M.T.S. Pretorian Orders of the Day Some of the 17th Battalion sailed home on H.M. T.S "Pretorian." They had been in Russia since September 1918, 10 months. Source:9562754 17th June 1919
location Archangel Russian Federation military residence address Source:9562938 17th June 1919
discharge Source:9556791 26th June 1919
awards Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) British Award/Decoration Source:9562938 3rd October 1919
marriage Sarah Wilkinson Source:9554687 26th October 1919
marriage Sarah Wilkinson Source:9562950 26th October 1919
children Barbara Bryan Source:9553877 10th August 1920
children Jean Bryan Source:9553877 15th September 1923
location 62 Alderson Rd., Liverpool United Kingdom their own address Source:9610036 1925
location 25 Chester St., Birkenhead United Kingdom their own address Source:9610289 1928
employment shop assistant and then shop manager Maypole Dairy Company Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom Source:9554021 1930 - 1958
employment Manager Maypole Dairy Company Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom Source:9553933 1930 - 1958
location Brighton & Hove United Kingdom their own address Source:9610304 1930
location 31 Wrotham rd., Gravesend United Kingdom their own address Source:9610334 1933
dates Age 65 Source:9553989 22nd February 1958
location 376 Upper Wrotham Road, Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom their own address Source:9554427 1964
appointments Company Sergeant Major 17th Battalion KLR Source:9553933
education Oxton School Birkenhead United Kingdom Source:9558570
employment Shop Manager Maypole dairy Company High Street, Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom Source:9554692
events Mention in Dispatches Oak Leaf Emblem In various newspaper articles, Granpop says that he was Mentioned in Dispatches four times. I only have evidence of once which was during the action at Guillemont, July 29th-30th 1916. Source:9576612
events Training against tanks Training Dargnies France Source:9564876
marriage Sarah Wilkinson Source:9553877
service British Army Company Sergeant Major 15755 Liverpool Regiment Source:9424509
burial Gravesend Cemetery Non-War Cemetery Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom Source:9553877
dates Age 81 Source:9553933 11th November 1974
dates Age 82 Source:9553877 11th November 1974
death Civilian war death Died in hospital of age related conditions Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom Source:9553877 11th November 1974



First Names Ernest Edward
Initials EE
Last Name Bryan
Source 9424509
25 Chester St., Birkenhead United Kingdom their own address known 1928
31 Wrotham rd., Gravesend United Kingdom their own address known 1933
376 Upper Wrotham Road, Gravesend, Kent United Kingdom their own address known 1964
4 Waverley Grove, Prenton, Cheshire United Kingdom their own address known 1914
4 Waverley Grove, Preston, Cheshire United Kingdom their own address known 1914
62 Alderson Rd., Liverpool United Kingdom their own address known 1925
Archangel Russian Federation military residence address known 17th June 1919
Belton Park Camp, Grantham United Kingdom military residence address May 1915 - September 1915
Brighton & Hove United Kingdom their own address known 1930
Larkhill Camp, Salisbury Plain United Kingdom military residence address known 6th November 1915
Prescot Watch Works United Kingdom military residence address known 1914

Military Service

Military Service
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Company Sergeant
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th (Service) Battalion
British Army King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion also called 1st City Battalion
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Company Sergeant Major
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion (1st City) Lance Corporal
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Warrant Officer Class 2
British Army 15755 17th Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment Company Sergeant Major
British Army 15755 Liverpool Regiment Company Sergeant Major
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Sergeant
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Sergeant
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th (Service) Battalion Company Sergeant Major
British Army 15755 King' Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Battalion Lewis Gun Instructor
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Company Sergeant Major
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Lance Corporal
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regment 17th Battalion Acting Sergeant
British Army 15755 King's Liverpool Regiment 17th Battalion Sergeant
British Army 15755 236th Brigade 17 Battalion KLR CSM
1914/15 Star First World War Campaign/Service Medal
British War Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
British War Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
Mention in Despatches Other War Service Award
Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) British Award/Decoration
Military Medal (MM) British Award/Decoration
Stanislaus Russian Order Other War Service Award
Stanislaus Russian Order Other War Service Award
Victory Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
Victory Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
Barbara Bryan daughter 10th August 1920
Jean Bryan daughter 15th September 1923
Alice Strefford mother
George Edward Bryan father
Leonard Victor Bryan brother 15th February 1894
Lily Warriner Bryan step-sister 5th November 1890
Lawrence Wilfred Bryan brother 15th July 1895
Alice Winifred Bryan sister 24th January 1899
Ivy Maria Bryan sister 18th May 1897
Victoria Alexandra Bryan sister 13th January 1901
Frederick Neville Bryan step-brother 16th July 1889
George Warriner Bryan step-brother 26th March 1888
Emily Bryan sister 1902
Sarah Bryan sister 1906
Nora Bryan sister 3rd May 1909
Sarah Wilkinson wife
Sarah Wilkinson wife 26th October 1919
Sarah Wilkinson wife 26th October 1919
Fresh Hazel Dark Brown
1914 5'11"
1914 Anglican - Church of Eng, Irl, Wales or other






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Official Records

TitleConnected byMore information
Medal Index Card
Medal Index Cards Transcription Keith1947
Medal Index Cards Transcription Keith1947
Medal Index Cards Transcription Keith1947
Medal Index Cards Transcription Keith1947

External Evidence

ReferenceConnected byMore information
Baptism record Jeannette156470
Baptism record Jeannette156470
“The Liverpool Pals" Jeannette156470
“The Liverpool Pals" Jeannette156470
Liverpool Electoral Register 1925 Jeannette156470


TitleConnected byMore information
Colour Sergeant E E Bryan John6705
Ernest Edward Bryan Birth Certificate 28/12/1892 Jeannette156470
Ernest Edward Bryan Jeannette156470
Death Certificate Jeannette156470
Obituary Jeannette156470
WW2 Civil Defence Warden's Service card Jeannette156470
Ernest Edward Bryan Retirement Jeannette156470
Newspaper article re-retirement Jeannette156470
Soldiers Small Book Jeannette156470
Giving training on Maxim Machine Gun Jeannette156470
Suicide Squad Jeannette156470
Suicide Squad Jeannette156470
c. 1917 Sergeant Ernest Edward Bryan Jeannette156470
Lewis Gun Team members, Guillemont July 1916 Jeannette156470
Military Medal Citation Jeannette156470
Oaf Leaf Emblems Awarded Jeannette156470
Mentioned in Dispatches Jeannette156470
Promotion to Warrant Officer II (Temporary) 1 of 3 Jeannette156470
Promotion to Warrant Officer II (Temporary) 2 of 3 Jeannette156470
Promotion to Warrant Officer II (Temporary) 3 of 3 Jeannette156470
Marriage Certificate 26th October, 1919 Jeannette156470
Maypole Dairy Company shop Jeannette156470
Air Raid Warden 1938-1940 Jeannette156470
1916 Lewis Gun Team Guillemont Jeannette156470
Certificate of Demobilization Jeannette156470
Soldier's Demobilization Account Jeannette156470
Soldier's Demobilization Account Transcript 2/2 Jeannette156470
Parade King's Liverpool Regiment, 17th Battalion? Jeannette156470
17th Battalion NCOs Jeannette156470
1918 Voyage to Russia Jeannette156470
17th Battalion on Parade, Prescot Watch Works Jeannette156470
17 Battalion Lewis Gun Teams Jeannette156470
Bert Peever Jeannette156470
Lewis Gun Team at Guilemont July 1916 Jeannette156470
Drumhead Service prior to Guillemont 1916 Jeannette156470
Brothers in Arms 1917 Jeannette156470
Bryan Sisters and Brother Jeannette156470
Jimmy Howarth Jeannette156470
1917 Bryan Brothers Jeannette156470
1919? Bryan brothers & girlfriends/fiancés/wives? Jeannette156470
Ernest Edward Bryan 1892-1974 Jeannette156470
1916 E.E. Bryan and other NCOs Jeannette156470
Orders of the Day 17/6/1919 Jeannette156470
Sergeant Francis (Frank) George Wilkinson Jeannette156470
Sergeant Lawrence Wilfred Bryan Jeannette156470
Reference from Oxton School Jeannette156470
Reference Jeannette156470
17 Battalion 1914 Jeannette156470
Frederick Neville Bryan Jeannette156470
Belton Park Camp Jeannette156470
Mention in Dispatches Jeannette156470
Military Medal Jeannette156470
Meritorious Service Medal Jeannette156470
Reference Jeannette156470
Meritorious Service Medal Jeannette156470
Ernest Edward and Sarah Bryan Jeannette156470
1963 BBC Interview Invitation Jeannette156470
BBC Invitation Jeannette156470
1964 Liverpool Pals Reunion Jeannette156470
1964 Reunion Dinner Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan being interviewed on BBC TV series Jeannette156470
BBC thanks E.E. Bryan for his contribution Jeannette156470
BBC Invitation to return for another Interview Jeannette156470
BBC invitation to phone Jeannette156470
Hero's Memories Help BBC Jeannette156470
Obituary Jeannette156470
Drumhead Service Jeannette156470
Interview with E.E. Bryan Jeannette156470
Golf Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan at Work Jeannette156470
The Bryan Clan Jeannette156470
The Bryan Clan Jeannette156470
Sarah Wilkinson Jeannette156470
Training against tanks Jeannette156470
The Unbroken Line Aug. 1916 Jeannette156470
Bolsheviks renew Vaga Attack Jeannette156470
1919 Travel Permit in Russia Jeannette156470
Special Sleigh Permit Jeannette156470
The 89th Club Jeannette156470
The 89th Club Jeannette156470
Home Guard Map Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan Jeannette156470
Invitation to E.E. Bryan Jeannette156470
Invitation to E.E. Bryan Jeannette156470
The Defence Medal Jeannette156470
The Defence Medal Jeannette156470
Warden's Bravery Recognised Jeannette156470
Wedding Gift Jeannette156470
Identity Tags Jeannette156470
Insignia Jeannette156470
Medals, Obverse Jeannette156470
Medals, Reverse Jeannette156470
Retirement Letter from Maypole Dairy Company Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan in Russia 1919 Jeannette156470
Wedding gift from "C" Company 17th KLR Jeannette156470
Joining the Liverpool Pals 1914 Jeannette156470
Joining the Liverpool Pals 1914 Jeannette156470
July 1st 1916 Jeannette156470
July 1st 1916 Part 2 Jeannette156470
BBC Interview 1963 Jeannette156470
Brother Len, joins cavalry, London Jeannette156470
Residence in 1925 Jeannette156470
Sarah Bryan, daughters & friend, 62 Alderson Rd. Jeannette156470
Residence of E.E. Bryan c. 1926-29? Jeannette156470
E.E. & Sarah Bryan with friend, Brighton Beach Jeannette156470
E.E.Bryan with mum and daughter Jeannette156470
Ernie, Sarah, Barbara & Jean Bryan c.1933 Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan's voice used in the Peter Jackson film Jeannette156470
Henry Percy Bibby-Lewis Gunner Jeannette156470
War Diary 1915 Jeannette156470
Teaching Lewis Gun Class Jeannette156470
Comrade in Arms Jeannette156470
Third Battle of Ypres July -August 1917 Jeannette156470
17th Battalion KLR at the Third Battle of Ypres Jeannette156470
E.E. Bryan Promotions, Wounds, Leave Jeannette156470
Stirling Castle to Sanctuary Wood Sept. 1917 Jeannette156470
Sgt. Bryan instructing Lewis Gunners Jeannette156470
Sgt. Bryan instructing untrained men in Lewis Gun Jeannette156470
Military Medal awarded to Sgt. E.E. Bryan Jeannette156470
Diary from Russia Jeannette156470
Sarah Wilkinson Jeannette156470


We remember Ernest Edward Bryan

Also remembered by 4 people
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