Type | Name |
First Names | Hugh |
Initials | H |
Last Name | Crawford |
Source | 6588009 |
Address | Country | Type | Date | Source |
15, Wigton St, Belfast | Ireland | their own address | known 15th October 1944 | |
3 Coyle's Place, Ormeau Road, Belfast | Ireland | parents address | known 15th October 1914 |
Military Service
Service | Number | Unit | Section | Rank | Source |
Royal Navy | SS2908 |
Name | Relationship | Dates | Source |
Sarah Crawford | mother | ||
Jonathan Crawford | father |
Name | Relationship | Dates | Source |
Isabella | wife |
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Title | Connected by | More information |
Royal Navy Seamen 1899-1919 |
Reference | Connected by | More information |
World War 1 - Casualty Lists of the Royal Navy and Dominion Navies | Karen40374 |
Title | Connected by | More information |
Memorial Certificate | Karen40374 | |
Hugh Crawford | Stephen27718 |