We remember Henry John Innes 'jack' Walker

We remember Henry John Innes 'jack' Walker

Profile picture for Henry John Innes 'jack' Walker



birth Auckland New Zealand Source:8738242 12th February 1890
education King's College Source:7984887 1899 - 1909
service British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Warwickshire Regiment Source:9218167 18th January 1911 - 3rd January 1913
service British Army Lieutenant Royal Warwickshire Regiment Source:9218167 4th January 1913 - 14th November 1914
service British Army Lieutenant Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Source:9218164 22nd August 1914
missing Reported missing after the retreat from Mons, and his parents were informed. They then received telegrams nearly two months later saying he was safe and well. Source:8738361 7th September 1914
service British Army Temporary Captain Royal Warwickshire Regiment Source:8738314 15th November 1914
awards Mentioned in Despatches (MiD) British Award/Decoration Source:8738321 November 1914
service British Army Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Source:9218168 14th January 1915
service British Army Captain Royal Warwickshire Regiment Source:9218168 21st January 1915
awards Mentioned in Despatches (MiD) British Award/Decoration Source:8738325 April 1915
service British Army Captain Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Source:8738096
death Killed in Action Moving video clip of ID confirmation: https://youtu.be/l_qlRf3Nw8k Ypres Belgium Source:7984887 Source:8869331 25th April 1915
burial New Irish Farm Cemetery CWGC Cemetery/Memorial West-Vlaanderen Belgium IV. BB. 7 Source:9217507
sibling Alan Walker Source:8738531
sibling Charles Walker Source:8738531
sibling Unknown Walker Source:8738531



First Names Henry John Innes 'jack'
Initials HJI'
Last Name Walker
Source 9219142

Military Service

Military Service
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment Temporary Captain
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Captain
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Lieutenant
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment Second Lieutenant
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment Lieutenant
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1st Battalion Lieutenant (Temporary Captain)
British Army Royal Warwickshire Regiment Captain
1914 Star First World War Campaign/Service Medal
British War Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
Mentioned in Despatches (MiD) British Award/Decoration
Mentioned in Despatches (MiD) British Award/Decoration
Victory Medal First World War Campaign/Service Medal
Henry Charles Holden Walker father
Cecilia Kathleen Walker, nee Taylor, mother
Alan Walker brother
Charles Walker brother
Unknown Walker brother






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Official Records

TitleConnected byMore information
Online Cenotaph: New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Casualty Records Transcription Charlotte33
Soldiers died in the Great War 1914-1919 Transcription Charlotte33
Medal Index Cards Transcription Yvonne27542
Medal Index Cards Transcription Yvonne27542

External Evidence

ReferenceConnected byMore information
Remains of World War I captain Henry John Innes Walker discovered in Flanders field Charlotte33
Royal Warwickshire Regt (1st Batn) (6th Foot) - Records of Officers' Services Yvonne27542
Wisden on the Great War - The Lives of Cricket's Fallen 1914-1918 Yvonne27542
Memorial at St Aidan's Church, Remuera Yvonne27542
The London Gazette - 16th January 1915 Yvonne27542
The London Gazette - 17th February 1915 Yvonne27542
The London Gazette - 22nd June 1915 Yvonne27542
Grey River Argus - 13th March 1915 Yvonne27542
The Auckland Star - 4th November 1914 Yvonne27542
The Poverty Bay Herald - 25th February Yvonne27542
Otago Daily Times - 28th November 1913 Yvonne27542
The Star - 29th September 1913 Yvonne27542
North Otago Times - 12th August 1918 Yvonne27542
The Feilding Star - 10th February 1915 Yvonne27542
Otago Daily Times - 11th December 1914 Yvonne27542
New Zealand Herald - 30th April 1915 Yvonne27542
The Evening Post - 19th January 1911 Yvonne27542
The Poverty Bay Herald - 3rd April 1915 Yvonne27542
New Zealand Herald - 3rd May 1915 Yvonne27542
New Zealand Herald - 22nd June 1915 Yvonne27542
The Auckland Star - 6th February 1911 Yvonne27542
Under Flanders Field Robert74668
Updated Commonwealth War Graves Commission record Charlotte33
LONDON GAZETTE, 17 JANUARY, 1911 - Second Lieutenant R58235
MIC image (Ancestry) [war medals] R58235
LONDON GAZETTE, 4 FEBRUARY, 1913 - Lieutenant R58235
LONDON GAZETTE, 1 MARCH, 1915 - Captain R58235
Henry John Innes Walker (Remuera Heritage) R58235
Photographs of Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 18th April 2018 Yvonne27542
CWGC article about April 2018 re-burial event Yvonne27542


TitleConnected byMore information
Portrait photograph of Henry John Innes Walker Charlotte33
Detail from service record showing early service Yvonne27542
New Irish Farm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen 1 Vincent96527
New Irish Farm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen 2 Vincent96527
New Irish Farm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen 3 Vincent96527
New Irish Farm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen 4 Vincent96527
New Irish Farm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen 5 Vincent96527
1914 Star Vincent96527
Royal Warwickshire Regiment R58235
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Burial Service at Irish Farm Cemetery, Ieper, 2018 Yvonne27542
Captain Henry John Innes 'Jack' Walker Edwin152214


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