Gender | Source |
Male |
Address | Country | Type | Date | Source |
26 Market Street, Musselburgh, Midlothian | United Kingdom | known 22nd May 1915 |
Service | Number | Unit | Section | Rank | Source |
British Army | 2776 | Royal Scots | 7th Battalion | Private |
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Title | Connected by | More information |
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) Casualty Records Transcription | Yvonne27542 | |
Soldiers died in the Great War 1914-1919 Transcription | Yvonne27542 |
Reference | Connected by | More information |
List of those involved in the Gretna Rail Disaster | Yvonne27542 | |
Quintinshill Roll of Honour | Yvonne27542 | |
Register of Corrected Death Registration Entries for soldiers’ deaths in the Quintinshill Disaster | Yvonne27542 |
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