Search found 1769 results

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  • Profile picture for Stanley Walker

    Born 1891

    Died 1918

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery

    British Army 61021 Corporal Royal Field Artillery 14 Brigade

    British Army Royal Artillery 68th Battery

  • Profile picture for Richard Mitchell Martin

    Born 1888

    Died 1918

    British Army 163616 Gunner Royal Field Artillery

  • Profile picture for John Henry Brigden

    Born 1898

    Died 1972

    Royal Navy F 22266 Aircraftsman Class 2 Royal Naval Air Service Crystal Palace

    Royal Navy F 22266 Aircraftsman Class 2 Royal Naval Air Service Cranwell

    Royal Navy F 22266 Aircraftsman Class 2 Royal Naval Air Service Calshot

  • Profile picture for Victor George Stanton

    Born 1893

    Died 1918

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 551891 Private 34 Fort Garry Horse Service Squadron

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 551891 Private Fort Gary Horse Reserve Regiment A Squadron

    British Army Second Lieutenant Observer Royal Flying Corps 62 Squadron

  • Profile picture for Frank Thomas Rapps

    Born 1890

    Died 1963

    British Army 2191 Private London Regiment

    British Army 530491 Second Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps

  • Profile picture for Raymond Seaton Taylor

    Born 1883

    Died 1919

    British Army 625918 Gunner Royal Field Artillery

    British Army 625918 Gunner Honourable Artillery Company

  • Born 1897

    Died 1972

    British Army 203644 Private East Kent Regiment "The Buffs" D

    British Army 203644 Private East Kent Regiment "The Buffs" 2/4

    British Army 203644 Private East Kent Regiment "The Buffs" 38 Infantry Base Depot

  • Profile picture for George Clive Brench

    Born 1902

    Died 1981

    Royal Navy J91930 Boy II Royal Naval Training Establishment Ganges II

    Royal Navy J91930 Boy I Royal Naval Training Establishment Ganges II

    Royal Navy J91930 Boy I HMS Lowestoft

  • Profile picture for Horace John Waters

    Born 1895

    Died 1981

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 14975 First Aircraftman Royal Flying Corps 12 Squadron

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 14975 Acting Corporal Royal Flying Corps 12 Squadron

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 14975 Corporal Royal Flying Corps 12 Squadron

  • Profile picture for Douglas Tosetti

    Born 1877

    Died 1918

    British Army Captain Royal Berkshire Regiment

    British Army Major Royal Berkshire Regiment 8th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Rowland Sidney Casemore

    Born 1892

    Died 1918

    British Army 9103 Lance Corporal West Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army Private West Yorkshire Regiment

    British Army 9103 Company Sergeant Major Prince Of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) 1st Battalion

  • Profile picture for Edward Lewis Adams

    Born 1886

    Died 1918

    British Army 49918 Private North Staffordshire Regiment

    British Army 184883 Private Royal Engineers

    British Army 49918 Private North Staffordshire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Herbert Matthew Bates

    Born 1892

    Died 1916

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 106077

    Canadian Expeditionary Force 106077 Private Canadian Mounted Rifles 1st Battalion

  • Profile picture for George Warren Pocknall

    Born 1888

    Died 1940

    British Army 533629 Private London Regiment

  • Profile picture for Norman Edward Baldwin

    Born 1893

    Died 1916

    British Army 9701 Private London Regiment 5th lond Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment 1/5th lond Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade)

  • Profile picture for Charles William Whitehead

    Born 1880

    Died 1914

    Royal Navy CH/9373 Private Royal Marine Light Infantry - HMS Hawke

  • Born 1889

    Died 1950

    British Army 71883 Driver Royal Field Artillery

  • Profile picture for Gilbert Edward Cooper

    Born 1892

    Died 1916

    Canadian Expeditionary Force A20029 Private Canadian Infantry 43rd Battalion

    Canadian Expeditionary Force A20029 Private Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) 16th Battalion

  • Born 1891

    Died 1984

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 1869 Member WRAF

  • Profile picture for John Walter Scogings

    Born 1882

    Died 1917

    British Army 18744 Private Essex Regiment

    British Army 18744 Private Essex Regiment 10th Battalion

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