Born 1882
British Army 8456 Private South Wales Borderers 1st Battalion
British Army 8456 Corporal South Wales Borderers 1st Battalion
Born 1885
Died 1915
British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment 6th city of lond Battalion
British Army London Regiment 6th (City of London) Battalion (Rifles)
British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment 6th (City of London) Battalion (Rifles)
Born 1897
Died 1916
British Army 2099 Private Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 1st/5th Battalion
Born 1883
Died 1917
British Army 16083 Private Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
British Army 15215 Private Somerset Light Infantry 8th Btn
Born 1884
Died 1917
British Army 33680 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry
Born 1895
Died 1918
British Army WR/208064 Sapper Royal Engineers
Born 1878
Died 1918
British Army G/17451 Private Royal West Kent Regiment
Born 1880
Died 1918
Royal Navy 1278U Stoker Royal Naval Reserve: HMS Actaeon