Born 1858
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Engineer Merchant Navy, HMS Asturias
Born 1890
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine, HMHS Glenart Castle
Born 1881
Died 1942
Other Empire Force Master Mariner Llandaff Castle
Born 1891
Died 1967
Royal Navy Z.P/1061 Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Division
Royal Navy Temporary Lieutenant Commander Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve Commanding Officer of the Drake Battalion
Born 1893
Died 1956
Other Empire Force Fifth Engineer Mercantile Marine - SS Brokenshire
Born 1872
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine - S.S. "South Western" (Southampton)
Born 1880
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Waiter Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias
Born 1888
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine, S.S. Liberty IV
Born 1888
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine - H.M.H.S. "Asturias" (Belfast)
Born 1881
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Waiter Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias
Born 1885
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias
Born 1883
Died 1918
Other Empire Force 2nd Steward Mercantile Marine (Merchant Navy)
Other Empire Force 2nd Steward Mercantile Marine - S.S. "South Western" (Southampton)
Born 1875
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias
Born 1895
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Fireman and Trimmer Mercantile Marine: HMHS Galway Castle HMHS Galway Castle
Born 1895
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Fireman Mercantile Marine. HMHS Asturias
Born 1890
Died 1915
Other Empire Force Fireman Merchantile Marine S.S. "Californian" (Liverpool)
Born 1900
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine. HMHS Galway Castle
Born 1884
Died 1917
Other Empire Force Fourth Engineer Officer Mercantile Marine
Other Empire Force Fourth Engineer Officer Merchant Navy SS Drina
Born 1898
Died 1918
Other Empire Force Trimmer Mercantile Marine, HMHS Galway Castle