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  • Profile picture for Ronald George Hinings Adams

    Born 1896

    Died 1979

    British Army Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Temporary Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps 18 Squadron

  • Profile picture for Thomas Lewis Prichard

    Born 1881

    Died 1914

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Welsh Fusiliers

    British Army Captain Royal Welsh Fusiliers

    British Army Royal Welsh Fusiliers 4th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Stewart Graham Menzies

    Born 1890

    Died 1968

    British Army Brevet Major Staff

    British Army Second Lieutenant Grenadier Guards

    British Army Lieutenant and Adjutant 2nd Life Guards

  • Profile picture for Arthur Duncombe Shafto

    Born 1880

    Died 1914

    British Army Second Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers

    British Army Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers

    British Army Captain Northumberland Fusiliers

  • Profile picture for Thomas Henry Sage

    Born 1882

    Died 1945

    British Army 33316 Private Somerset Light Infantry

    British Army 33316 Somerset Light Infantry 8th Battalion

    British Army 33316 Private Somerset Light Infantry 8th Battalion

  • Profile picture for John Edward Prance

    Born 1884

    Died 1918

    British Army 2008 Air Mechanic 2nd Class Royal Flying Corps

    British Army 2008 Air Mechanic 1st Class Royal Flying Corps

    British Army 2008 Corporal Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Douglas Haig

    Born 1861

    Died 1928

    British Army Major 7th Hussars

    British Army Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 7th Hussars

    British Army Lieutenant 7th Hussars

  • Born 1890

    Died 1916

    British Army 3244 Private Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment 7th Battalion

    British Army 3244 Private Nottingham and Derbyshire Regiment 2/7th Battalion

    British Army 3244 Private Nottingham and Derbyshire Regiment 1/7th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Lionel Bertram Frank Morris

    Born 1896

    Died 1916

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal West Surrey Regiment 3rd Battalion

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Second Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Thomas Leigh Simpson

    Born 1895

    Died 1960

    Australian Imperial Force Private Light Horse Field Ambulance 3rd

    Australian Imperial Force Second Lieutenant Australian Flying Corps 68th Squadron

    Australian Imperial Force Lieutenant Australian Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for John Elliott Lidderdale Bruce

    Born 1870

    Died 1915

    British Army Major Royal Artillery

    British Army Lieutenant

    British Army Captain Royal Garrison Artillery

  • Profile picture for William Robinson Clarke

    Born 1895

    Died 1981

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 7170 2nd Class Air Mechanic

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) 7170

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Sergeant

  • Profile picture for Brian Gwynne Horrocks

    Born 1895

    Died 1985

    British Army Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment

    British Army Captain Middlesex Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment Taken Prisoner of War at Armentieres, 21/10/1914

  • Born 1891

    Died 1984

    British Army Lieutenant Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Jesse Robert Short

    Born 1886

    Died 1917

    British Army 20786 Private Durham Light Infantry

    British Army 26/626 Acting Corporal Northumberland Fusiliers 26th Battalion

  • Profile picture for William Robert Sargent Wilberforce

    Born 1893

    Died 1918

    British Army Second Lieutenant Kings Royal Rifle Corps 7th Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps attached Royal Flying Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Kings Royal Rifle Corps attached Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Frank William Tancock

    Born 1879

    Died 1918

    British Army M2/019243 Private Army Service Corps

  • Profile picture for Hubert Dunsterville Harvey-Kelly

    Born 1891

    Died 1917

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Irish Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Irish Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Irish Regiment attached to the Royal Flying Corps

  • Profile picture for Stephen John Willsher

    Born 1895

    Died 1918

    British Army 15986 Private Grenadier Guards

  • Profile picture for James Kirk

    Born 1897

    Died 1918

    British Army 3117 Private Manchester Regiment

    British Army 250806 Private Manchester Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Manchester Regiment

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