Born 1896
Died 1918
British Army 2968 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry
British Army 201067 Private Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 2nd/4th Battalion
Born 1893
Died 1915
South African Services Lieutenant Natal Light Horse
Born 1891
Royal Navy M12501 Ship's Steward's Assistant HMS Vivid I
Royal Navy M12501 Ship's Steward's Assistant HMS Erin
British Army DM2/17872 Private Army Service Corps
British Army 75016 Private Tank Corps
British Army DM2/154602 Serjeant Army Service Corps
British Army 1032 Corporal 2nd Rhodesia Regiment
British Army 1032 Lance Corporal 2nd Rhodesia Regiment
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Engineers Kent (Fortress Engineers)
Air Force (RAF/RFC) Second Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps
Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps