Died 1915
British Army 9962 Private London Regiment
British Army Lieutenant Yorkshire Regiment
Australian Imperial Force 1789
Australian Imperial Force 1196
Born 1886
Canadian Expeditionary Force 3233922
British Army 3837 Private City of London Regiment
British Army 27962 Private Leicestershire Regiment
British Army SE 14555 Private Army Veterinary Corps
British Army SE 14555 Private Royal Field Artillery
British Army 3307 Private Royal North Devon Yeomanry
British Army 345410 Private Devonshire Regiment
British Army 514194 Corporal 2nd Royal Engineers
British Army T/625 Corporal 2nd Royal Engineers
British Army 3/5214 Private Devonshire Regiment
British Army 31624 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry
British Army 5429611 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry
British Army 10913 Private Devonshire Regiment
British Army 10913 Serjeant Devonshire Regiment
British Army 24961 Serjeant Gloucestershire Regiment
British Army 64602 Serjeant King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
British Army 5315 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry
British Army 201912 Private Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry