Born 1878
Died 1958
Other Empire Force Cook Serbian Relief Fund Corfu Hospital
Other Empire Force Cook British Red Cross Society - Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Born 1887
Died 1970
British Army British Red Cross
Other Empire Force Nurse Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Born 1884
Died 1975
Other Empire Force Sanitary Inspector Serbian Relief Fund
Other Empire Force Red Cross
Other Empire Force Nursing Sister British Red Cross Society/Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
British Army British Red Cross
British Army Matron Serbian Relief Fund
British Army British Red Cross Society
British Army Serbian Relief Fund
British Army Driver Serbian Relief Fund
British Army British Red Cross Society
British Army British Red Cross Society
British Army Sister Serbian Relief Fund
Born 1875
Other Empire Force Lady Cook Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Other Empire Force Lady Cook Serbian Relief Fund Corfu Hospital
British Army Cook Voluntary Aid Detachment Salonika then Scottish Women's Hospitals at Vranya
British Army British Red Cross Society
British Army Nurse French Red Cross
British Army Nurse Serbian Relief Fund
Born 1881
Died 1949
British Army Nurse French Red Cross
Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee, French Red Cross] London Unit ( by 1918 renamed the Elsie Inglis Unit)
Other Empire Force Nursing Sister Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Born 1885
Died 1956
Other Empire Force Orderly Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee, French Red Cross] Royaumont, France
Other Empire Force Worker Serbian Relief Fund Corsica
Other Empire Force Orderly French Red Cross - Serbian Relief fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Other Empire Force Orderly Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] America Unit ( Ostrovo Unit - Macedonia & Serbia)
Other Empire Force Orderly Serbian Relief Fund Serbia
Other Empire Force Orderly Serbian Relief Fund Serbia
Other Empire Force Sister British Committee French Red Cross
Other Empire Force Nursing Sister Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Other Empire Force Sister Serbian Relief Fund
Other Empire Force Nursing Sister British Red Cross Society Belgian Field Hospital
Born 1892
Died 1935
British Army Cook French Red Cross
Other Empire Force Cook Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] Girton & Newnham Unit (Troyes, France & Salonica)
Other Empire Force Cook Serbian Relief Fund Mrs Stobart's Unit
Born 1886
Died 1962
Other Empire Force Nurse British Red Cross Stobart Hospital Unit
Other Empire Force Nurse Millicent Fawcett Hospitals for Russia
British Army Nurse Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve Stoke War Hospital
Born 1886
British Army Nurse French Red Cross
Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] America Unit ( Ostrovo Unit - Macedonia & Serbia)
Other Empire Force Nurse Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] Girton & Newnham Unit (Troyes, France & Salonica)
Born 1874
Died 1960
British Army 50267 Worker Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps
Other Empire Force Cook Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee, French Red Cross] America Unit ( Ostrovo Unit - Salonica & Serbia)
Other Empire Force Cook Y.M.C.A. Canteen, Hendon
Born 1878
Died 1948
British Army Worker and Orderly Serbian Relief Fund
British Army Acting Commandant Hampshire Regiment
Other Empire Force Transport Officer Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] London Unit
British Army Driver French Red Cross
Other Empire Force Chauffeur (Driver) Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee, French Red Cross] London Unit ( Russia/Roumania)
Other Empire Force Cook Serbian Relief Fund Serbia