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  • British Army 117216 Machine Gun Corps

    British Army 6624 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army 6624 Private Tank Corps

  • British Army 1412 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army Second Lieutenant South Staffordshire Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Army Service Corps

  • British Army 1484 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army Lieutenant East Lancashire Regiment

    British Army Captain East Lancashire Regiment

  • British Army 14 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army Acting Captain Chief Instructor 13th Corps School of Instruction

  • British Army 1680 Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal West Kent Regiment

    British Army Captain 1/9th Bhopal Infantry Indian Army

  • British Army 4224 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army 2131 Private Army Service Corps

    British Army 553043 Private Labour Corps

  • British Army 6823 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army 118521 Private Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Tank Corps

  • British Army 1571 Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Berkshire Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Berkshire Regiment, Somerset Light Infantry

  • British Army 4869 Corporal Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army 24924 Corporal Machine Gun Corps

    British Army 567940 Corporal Royal Engineers

  • British Army 3166 Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Second Lieutenant King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

    British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 2783 Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Lieutenant General List Attached Royal Engineers

    British Army Second Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry

  • British Army 6557 Private Honourable Artillery Company Infantry

    British Army Lieutenant Supply and Transport Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Indian Army Reserve of Officers

  • British Army 1217 Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Lieutenant 1st Battalion Cameron Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Captain 84th Infantry Brigade

  • British Army Private Honourable Artillery Company

    British Army Lieutenant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant Suffolk Regiment Attached Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

  • British Army Lieutenant Royal Army Medical Corps

    British Army Captain Royal Army Medical Corps

    British Army Captain Royal Sussex Regiment