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  • Profile picture for Thomas Lowndes

    Born 1893

    Died 1917

    British Army 4100 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 12438 private Border Regiment 9th

    British Army 201532 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/4th Battalion TF

  • Profile picture for Walter Arlie Collis

    Born 1885

    Died 1914

    British Army 6934 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1st Battalion

    British Army 6934 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1st Battalion

    British Army 6934 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 3rd Battalion

  • Profile picture for Herbert Houghton

    Born 1894

    Died 1917

    British Army 1622 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 240308 Corporal Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 240308 Serjeant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1st./5th. Battalion

  • Profile picture for Iver Ball

    Born 1898

    Died 1978

    British Army 28210 Private Loyan North Lancashire Regiment 3rd Battalion

    British Army Army Reserve

    British Army Training Reserve 63rd Battalion

  • Born 1896

    Died 1916

    British Army 3116 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 3116 Private Loyal North Lancashire 6th Battalion

  • Profile picture for James Crabtree

    Born 1879

    Died 1916

    British Army 15 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/4th Battalion (Territorial Force)

    British Army 15 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/7th Battalion

    British Army 7443 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 2nd Volunteer Company

  • Profile picture for John Archer

    Born 1893

    Died 1917

    British Army 4811 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 201998 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 201998 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for William Utting

    Born 1895

    Died 1917

    British Army 200784 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    1/4th Battalion (Territorial Force)

    British Army 2880 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/4th Battalion (Territorial Force)

  • Profile picture for Arthur Brotherton

    Born 1888

    Died 1916

    British Army 14271 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 14271 Serjeant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 14271 Serjeant The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 9th battalion

  • Profile picture for John Harrison

    Born 1896

    Died 1917

    British Army 202172 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 5054 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion

    British Army 202172 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 2/4th Battalion (Territorial)

  • Profile picture for Harry Bingham

    Born 1896

    Died 1917

    British Army 200600 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 2514 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion

    British Army 200600 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for George Baxendale

    Born 1897

    Died 1916

    British Army 3914 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 3914 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/4th Battalion (territorial force)

  • Profile picture for William Henry Brierley

    Born 1888

    Died 1916

    British Army 1946 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 200431 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion

  • Profile picture for James Finch

    Born 1881

    Died 1915

    British Army 3541 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 3541 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Henry Augustine Buckmaster

    Born 1897

    Died 1918

    British Army 37695 Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 2nd/4th Battalion

  • Profile picture for Edward Cross

    Born 1888

    Died 1915

    British Army 735 Sergeant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 4th Battalion (Territorial)

    British Army 735 Serjeant The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Henry Clarkson

    Born 1878

    Died 1915

    British Army 120 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 120 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for Walter Bentham

    Born 1879

    Died 1915

    British Army 10873 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 10873 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 6th battalion

  • Profile picture for William Dixon

    Born 1883

    Died 1917

    British Army 37653 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

    British Army 37653 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

  • Profile picture for David Beaver

    Born 1895

    Died 1916

    British Army 2299 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1/4th Battalion (territorial force)

    British Army 2299 Private The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment

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