British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Captain Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army 6871 Acting Corporal Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army 5815 Colour Serjeant Major Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots Attached 8th Battalion Machine Gun Corps
British Army 2032 Serjeant 5/6th Royal Scots
British Army Acting Captain General List attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant General List attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Captain and Adjutant Royal Highlanders attached Royal Scots
British Army Major Royal Highlanders Machine Gun Corps
British Army 1887 Private Royal Scots
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Highlanders
British Army Lieutenant Royal Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Greek Labour Corps
British Army Acting Captain Machine Gun Corps
British Army 526 Colour Serjeant Royal Highlanders
British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps
British Army Captain Gordon Highlanders
British Army Captain attached Royal Scots
British Army 2109 Private Royal Scots
British Army Second Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps Attached ISI
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers attached Northumberland Fusiliers
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps
British Army 9218 Private Scots Guards
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps attached Royal Army Service Corps
British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps attached Army Service Corps
British Army 3006 Private Royal Scots
British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Royal Scots Fusiliers
British Army Second Lieutenant Attached Machine Gun Corps
British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers
British Army Captain Royal Scots Brigade Machine Gun Officers
British Army Captain Brevet Major Royal Scots attached Tank Corps
British Army Captain 1/6th Royal Scots
British Army Captain 1/6th Royal Scots Attached 52nd Machine Gun Corps
British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots
British Army Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry attached Royal Scots
British Army Major Machine Gun Corps
British Army Serjeant Royal Scots
British Army Second Lieutenant Border Regiment attached Highland Light Infantry
British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps