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  • British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Captain Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 6871 Acting Corporal Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 5815 Colour Serjeant Major Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots Attached 8th Battalion Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 2032 Serjeant 5/6th Royal Scots

    British Army Acting Captain General List attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Lieutenant General List attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Captain and Adjutant Royal Highlanders attached Royal Scots

    British Army Major Royal Highlanders Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 1887 Private Royal Scots

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Highlanders

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Greek Labour Corps

    British Army Acting Captain Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 526 Colour Serjeant Royal Highlanders

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Captain Gordon Highlanders

    British Army Captain attached Royal Scots

  • British Army 2109 Private Royal Scots

    British Army Second Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry

    British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps Attached ISI

  • British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers attached Northumberland Fusiliers

    British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army 9218 Private Scots Guards

    British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps attached Royal Army Service Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps attached Army Service Corps

  • British Army 3006 Private Royal Scots

    British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Royal Scots Fusiliers

    British Army Second Lieutenant Attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Scots Fusiliers

  • British Army Captain Royal Scots Brigade Machine Gun Officers

    British Army Captain Brevet Major Royal Scots attached Tank Corps

  • British Army Captain 1/6th Royal Scots

    British Army Captain 1/6th Royal Scots Attached 52nd Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Lieutenant Royal Scots

    British Army Lieutenant Highland Light Infantry attached Royal Scots

    British Army Major Machine Gun Corps

  • British Army Serjeant Royal Scots

    British Army Second Lieutenant Border Regiment attached Highland Light Infantry

    British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps