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  • Profile picture for Alexander Crum Ewing

    Born 1896

    Died 1914

    British Army Second Lieutenant Attached Cameron Highlanders/Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Second Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders

  • Profile picture for James Donaldson Boswall

    Born 1870

    Died 1915

    British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders attached Essex Regiment

  • Profile picture for James Catto

    Born 1888

    Died 1917

    British Army 265022 Warrant Officer Class 2 Seaforth Highlanders 6th Battalion

    British Army 265022 Company Serjeant-Major attached King's African Rifles 2/2nd Battalion

  • Profile picture for William Ebenezer Maitland

    Born 1889

    Died 1914

    British Army Second Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Second Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders attached Royal Highlanders

  • Died 1915

    British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders Attached Royal Scots

    British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders

  • Profile picture for Keith Bethune Mackenzie

    Born 1879

    Died 1914

    British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders attached Gordon Highlanders

  • Born 1898

    Died 1917

    British Army S/9204 Corporal Seaforth Highlanders attached Trench Mortar Battery

    British Army S/9204 Serjeant Seaforth Highlanders

  • Profile picture for Richard M F Levillain

    Born 1886

    Died 1958

    Other Empire Force Serjeant Interpreter Adjutant Attached Seaforth Highlanders 2nd Battalion

    Other Empire Force Interprètes Armée française 19e Escadron du Train des Équipages Militaires [interpreters]

  • Profile picture for Ian Murray Paterson Brown

    Born 1896

    Died 1916

    British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 3rd Battalion

    British Army 2nd Lieutenant attached Seaforth Highlanders 2nd Battalion

  • Born 1896

    Died 1916

    British Army Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders Attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders

  • Born 1880

    Died 1917

    British Army 1469 Private Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army 300193 Lance Corporal Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Second Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders attached Seaforth Highlanders

  • Born 1855

    Died 1915

    British Army Honorary Major and Quarter Master Seaforth Highlanders, attached Egypt Army

  • Died 1918

    British Army 200794 Lance Corporal Seaforth Highlanders Attached Trench Mortar Battery

    British Army 200794 Corporal Seaforth Highlanders

  • Born 1896

    Died 1917

    British Army 1469 Lance Corporal Royal Scots

    British Army Second Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders attached Machine Gun Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders

  • British Army Captain Seaforth Highlanders attached Gordon Highlanders

    British Army Major Seaforth Highlanders

  • British Army Lieutenant Attached Seaforth Highlanders

  • British Army 6198 Company Serjeant Major Attached Seaforth Highlanders

  • British Army Colonel Seaforth Highlanders attached Staff

  • Profile picture for James Garrick Ritchie

    Born 1897

    Died 1919

    British Army Second Lieutenant Cameron Highlanders attached Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Second Lieutenant Cameron Highlanders 3rd Battalion

    British Army 200279 Corporal Gordon Highlanders 4th Battalion

  • Born 1890

    Died 1916

    British Army 2087 Private Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders

    British Army Lieutenant Seaforth Highlanders attached Trench Motor Battery