A letter to his sons

A letter to his sons

known 15th May 1909

May 15th 1909 To my dear boys I cannot tell how long it may be before you read these few lines. What I do want you to understand is that my Dear Wife, in case anything happens to me, will have a small family to bring up and it will take every penny that we have saved for this purpose, and try and remember that I have always done my best for you all to start you in life, and as you grow up, and perhaps become fathers yourselves, you will understand what a struggle it is to bring up children. I hardly think it is necessary for me to bring up what a wonderful little woman my Wife has been to get on so well with you all, and I must tell you that very often after I have been cross with either [sic] of you, she has always taken your parts, and pray never forget her or my dear little ones is the fervent wish of your loving Father Geo: Wroe.

Created by: , Helen55380

  • Profile picture for George Wroe

    Born 1851

    Died 1920

    Royal Navy 60129 Chief Petty Officer HMS Cruiser

    Royal Navy 60129 Chief Petty Officer HMS Trafalgar

    Royal Navy Canteen Manager Admiralty Civilian - HMS Excellent