From London Daily Mail, 27th September 1920

From London Daily Mail, 27th September 1920

known 27th September 1920

"Known as the father of naval football, Mr George Wroe, retired naval chief petty officer was buried with full naval honours at Portsmouth on Saturday. By birth a Manchester man, the late Mr Wroe served for many years at the naval Gunnery School at Portsmouth. A very keen sportsman, he had much to do with introducing and popularising association football with bluejackets, who are now among its most enthusiastic votaries." Transcribed from London Daily Mail at the time (see hand-written transcription attached).

Created by: , Helen55380

  • Profile picture for George Wroe

    Born 1851

    Died 1920

    Royal Navy 60129 Chief Petty Officer HMS Cruiser

    Royal Navy 60129 Chief Petty Officer HMS Trafalgar

    Royal Navy Canteen Manager Admiralty Civilian - HMS Excellent