Three brothers also served

Three brothers also served

From Wimborne Minster Parish Magazine October 1918 (Priest's House Museum, Wimborne): "Mr & Mrs Angell (Chilbridge) have the assurance of the heartfelt sympathy in the great loss that they have sustained through the death of their son Private Harry Angell, Dorsets, who was killed in Action on August 23rd. And the sympathy will be all the deeper because Harry is the third of their four soldier sons who has laid down his life for his King and Country, and in the case of justice and truth. " The four Angell brothers served in WW1: John (5th Dorsets 10712) was KIA 7.8.15 at Gallipoli George (5th Dorsets 10711) was KIA 27.9.16 at Somme Harry (6th Dorsets 27455) was KIA 23.8.18 at Somme Frederick who survived the war, served in the Royal Garrison Artillery (458 & 334513) & The Royal Engineers (510543)

Created by: , Chris2090

  • Profile picture for John Angell

    Born 1892

    Died 1915

    British Army 10712 Private Dorsetshire Regiment

    British Army 10712 Private Dorsetshire Regiment 5th Battalion