The Battle for Ginchy Village, 4th September 1916.

The Battle for Ginchy Village, 4th September 1916.

The loss of so many of the 20th Manchester's at Ginchy did not, however, mark the end of the Manchester Regiment's involvement here. For the purposes of the assault on Ginchy, the 21st Manchester's had also been attached to the 22nd Brigade and the following day, at 2.00 pm, two companies of the 21st Manchester's were used in a early attack out of Deville Wood against Ale Alley. The attack was lead by the battalion's bombers, supported by "A" and "C" Companies. However, it proved impossible to make progress against the fire of massed Germans who had gathered in strength between Hop and Ale Alleys. Another company attacked northwards out of Pilsen Lane against Hop Alley, but this attack also proved futile against well directed and intense machine - gun fire in enfilade from the north of Ginchy. Throughout the day the survivors were forced to lay out in shell holes until the cover of nightfall allowed their withdrawal During their operations here in front of Ginchy the 21st Manchester's suffered 227 casualties, almost all during the events of the 4th September. Such casualties had now become the currency of success or failure in the war of attrition to which the 1916 Battle of the Somme had now, all to clearly, become resigned.

Created by: , Desmond1478

  • Profile picture for Aubrey Harris

    Born 1894

    Died 1916

    British Army Lieutenant Manchester Regiment 21st Battalion