News paper report of his death and inquest - "Found drowned"

News paper report of his death and inquest - "Found drowned"

known 9th September 1915

“BIRMINGHAM OFFICER’S DEATH - FOUND DROWNED IN THE SEA OFF CORNWALL - An inquest was held at the Lizard, Cornwall, yesterday, touching the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Barton Shaw of Mayfair, Richmond Hill Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, whose body was found by a boatman in the sea off Cadgarth on Monday. Deceased had been missing since August 26, when he left his hotel and did not return – A verdict of “Found drowned” was returned. Colonel Shaw retired from the command of the 2/5th Royal Warwickshire Regiment last June through ill-health. The peculiar circumstances in which his battalion were placed as regards senior officers threw great strain upon him, and over-work finally lead to a nervous breakdown. He tried several resorts to effect a recovery, and at last went to stay at the Lizard. The deceased officer who left the Royal Engineers after eighteen years’ service, entered the 2/5ths as a major, and on the promotion of Sir John Barnsley to be a brigadier-general was given command of the unit. Colonel Shaw was one of the founders of the Birmingham Rifle Reserve. He was a bachelor, aged 58, and came to Birmingham eight years ago as a divisional inspector of the Board of Education." - Birmingham Daily Post – Thursday 09 September 1915

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  • Profile picture for Thomas Barton Shaw

    Born 1858

    Died 1915

    British Army Captain Royal Engineers

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Engineers

    British Army Captain Royal Engineers