Letter from Lydia Houghton to her brother Tim remembering the last day the family saw Herbert before he went off to France

Letter from Lydia Houghton to her brother Tim remembering the last day the family saw Herbert before he went off to France

known 7th June 1916

Wed June 7 1978 My dear Tim and Coralie ......... Today is the anniversary of the last day we any of us saw Herbert! It was a Wednesday afternoon, (1916) and Father stayed to take the weekday service; he shook hands with Herbert at the door of 2 Beaufort East, his face very pale - I believe he thought it was the last goodbye. The rest of us went to the station, Mother included; some went by tram, I presume, but I was among the walkers, and on the way before we reached Walest, Herbert said "How long do you give me after I get to France?" I scoffed incredulously, and he said calmly, "Six weeks, I think." You, Tim, had got leave to come to say goodbye, but I don't think Frank was there. It was on June 6th 1975 that Tim came to see Agnes to her great delight, for the last time! Seven out of the ten are gone - "These all died in faith" ! .......... Lydia (Footnote - Herbert's father, Rev Thomas Houghton, was incumbent (from 1898 to 1917) of Kensington Episcopal Chapel, Bath; the family home was at 2 Beaufort East, Bath)

Created by: , Mike160780

  • Profile picture for Herbert Houghton

    Born 1890

    Died 1916

    British Army G/8224 Private Army Reserve (Home)

    British Army G/8224 Private The Queen's Regiment 3rd Battalion

    British Army G/8224 Private The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) 1st Battalion