Remembering a contingent of the 5th Battalion which sailed from Guyana, Trinidad (304 men of 3rd Trinidad Contingent) / Barbados on HMT Magdalena on 28/30 March 1917. There were also men from Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and they arrived in Alexandria, Egypt on 30 April 1917. All of the men were volunteers. For those who died extra information has been collected from the Soldiers' Effects records, but for lots of these men there are only medal records because they managed to survive; (the medal rolls are however split by island and show their original battalion). So they sailed from home, served in the war and then sailed home again, with the regiment not invited to the Peace (Victory) Parade held in London July 1919 // incomplete.
Created by: , Deborah102878
Born 1885
Died 1918
British Army 6752 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 6752 Private British West Indies Regiment 1st Battalion
Born 1896
British Army Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 1st/5th Battalion
British Army 9225 Acting Serjeant British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
British Army 678665 Acting Serjeant Labour Corps 903rd Labour Employment Company
Born 1888
British Army 9006 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 6731 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 6666 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
British Army 6694 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
Born 1899
British Army 9093 Private British West Indies Regiment
British Army 6563 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion
Died 1917
British Army 9103 Private British West Indies Regiment 5th Battalion