Bedford Modern School - Eagle Magazine extracts

Bedford Modern School - Eagle Magazine extracts

The Bedford Modern School Eagle is published three times a year, and reports on the activities of the "Old Boys" of School. As such it is a mine of information on the lives and times of the men contained in this community. In addition this community includes all OBM profiles that have written stories on thier profile.

Created by: , Alexander119331

CSV Export
  • Profile picture for Leonard Charles Haydn Fuller

    Born 1885

    Died 1949

    British Army Serjeant Bedfordshire Yeomanry

    British Army Second Lieutenant Gordon Highlanders 5th gordon highland Battalion

    British Army Captain Machine Gun Corps

  • Profile picture for Sidney Marvin Knight

    Born 1879

    Died 1940

    British Army 36329 Sapper Royal Engineers 12th Corps Signal Company

    British Army 36329 Corporal Royal Engineers

  • Profile picture for Robert Martin Weymouth Marsden

    Born 1887

    Died 1967

    British Army Captain Acting Major Royal Engineers

    British Army Major Royal Engineers

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Engineers

  • Born 1875

    Died 1959

    British Army Captain Royal Indian Marine

    Other Empire Force Commander Royal Indian Marine

  • Born 1872

    Died 1935

    British Army Lance Corporal 15th Lancers

    Indian Army Lieutenant Staff Corps

    Indian Army Major 15th Lancers (Cureton's Multauis)

  • Profile picture for Alfred Leonard Nicholls

    Born 1895

    Died 1966

    British Army M2/102667 Private Army Service Corps

    British Army Second Lieutenant Army Service Corps

    British Army Lieutenant Army Service Corps 56 Siege Battery, Ammunition Column.

  • Born 1889

    Died 1934

    British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment attached London Regiment

    British Army Major London Regiment General List

  • Profile picture for Leslie Howell Clemetson

    Born 1899

    Died 1964

    British Army Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant Royal Air Force

  • Profile picture for Frederick John Lain

    Born 1896

    Died 1972

    British Army Second Lieutenant Border Regiment

    British Army Private Royal Army Medical Corps London Field Ambulance

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Lieutenant 101st Squadron

  • Profile picture for Arthur Edward Sedgwick

    Born 1891

    Died 1916

    British Army Lieutenant London Regiment

    British Army 9145 Lance Serjeant London Regiment

    British Army Lieutenant London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade)

  • Profile picture for Edward Osmond Parsons

    Born 1892

    Died 1915

    Royal Navy F3129 Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Royal Naval Air Service Armoured Car Division Dardanelles

  • Born 1889

    Died 1938

    Air Force (RAF/RFC) Second Lieutenant 54 Training Squadron

    British Army 27969 Private Bedfordshire Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Middlesex Regiment

  • Profile picture for James Hampton Bennet

    Born 1894

    Died 1916

    British Army Private Royal Fusiliers 19th Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Munster Fusiliers

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Munster Fusiliers

  • Profile picture for Guye Wellesley Lushington

    Born 1880

    Died 1916

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Marine Artillery

    Royal Navy Captain Royal Marine Artillery H.M.S. " Bellerophon"

    British Army Captain Royal Marine Artillery Seconded to Egyptian Army

  • Profile picture for George Frederick Jenkins

    Born 1898

    Died 1975

    British Army S/236857 Private Army Service Corps

    British Army SS/1856 Serjeant Army Service Corps

  • Profile picture for Francis William Smith

    Born 1893

    Died 1915

    British Army T643 Sapper Royal Engineers East Anglian Divisional Engineers

  • Born 1893

    Died 1945

    British Army 1517 Lance Corporal London Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Northamptonshire Regiment 7th Battalion

    British Army Captain Northamptonshire Regiment 7th Battalion

  • Born 1886

    Died 1952

    British Army 15533 Corporal Northamptonshire Regiment

    British Army Second Lieutenant Royal Engineers

    British Army Lieutenant Royal Engineers

  • Born 1891

    Died 1985

    British Army 768988 Private London Regiment 28th lond Battalion

    British Army Second Lieutenant London Regiment 28th lond Battalion

  • Profile picture for Julian Brookes-Ball

    Born 1895

    Died 1916

    Australian Imperial Force 577 Sergeant 7th Infantry Brigade 26th Battalion

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