Born 1879
British Army 18428 Gunner Royal Field Artillery 35th Brigade
British Army 18428 Corporal Royal Field Artillery 35th Brigade
British Army 17909 Private Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment
British Army 151527 Private Royal Engineers
Born 1896
Died 1916
Royal Navy SS117103 Stoker 2nd class HMS Arabis
Born 1882
Other Empire Force Able Seaman SS Mercutio
Died 1918
British Army 45769 Manchester Regiment
British Army G/99184 Private Middlesex Regiment
Died 1918
British Army Captain Royal Engineers
Died 1919
British Army 1132 Private Hampshire Regiment
British Army 355728 Private Hampshire Regiment
Born 1891
Died 1917
British Army 1932 Private London Regiment 23rd county of lond Battalion
British Army 1932 Corporal London Regiment 23rd county of lond Battalion
British Army 69551 Corporal Tank Corps F Battalion